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Posts posted by 99subi

  1. That's what the fire chiefs claim that they have as active firefighters, whether that's accurate I don't know. But hearing that they only have 8 or 10 marching in a parade would lead me to believe there's less than 110, just sayin'!!

    my point is that a career guy or two less shouldn't be that much of a detriment, if there were a strong volunteer base. But if there isn't a strong contingent of vols, these guys need all the help they can get. As previously stated, with more staffing on a garbage truck than a fire truck, things in Peekskill do sound like a ticking time bomb!

    The volley's can not and do not drive the apparatus in the COP so essentially with those 1 or 2 career men on ems runs the city is down two rigs. 110 vollies can show up but with no rigs what good are they?

    sueg likes this

  2. Positive publicity for the fire service and this turns into a heated battle?!!!! What the Funck!!!

    And who cares if you're volley or paid. You're either a fireman or you're not! You either get it or you don't!

    I couldn't disagree more. I know of more than a few guys who have ZERO business being in the "fire service" yet they are still considered "volly firemen" and they parade around on scenes dressed in half turnout gear doing absolutely nothing but getting in the way. In the professional world this is not tolerated.

    Now before you freak out i will say there are MANY great volly firemen in this county and i RESPECT that greatly. Not to get way off topic here but ever think the vol fire service should be a little more selective when letting people "join" aside from just being a resident of that particular area and having a clean background?

    bigrig77, foreman1923 and newsbuff like this

  3. Sadly this is probably the best answer.

    I doubt that there was a NYC CO "10-13" or medical emergency in Dutchess County but whatever.

    Unless you can prove there was and/or wasn't an emergency then this whole thing is a mere assumption. IMO this is a non issue. Whatever they were doing must have warranted them to use their RLS, and if it didn't and they got into a mess they would own it. In addition im sure they are/were well aware that if someone like an off duty boss saw them and made a quick phone call and found out nothing was going on, they would get some grief as well. They know the deal and made a decision based upon it.

    just my .2

    SteveC7010 and SageVigiles like this

  4. "TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the labor law, in relation to prohibiting an employer from terminating an employee who also is a volunteer firefighter or a volunteer provider of emergency medical services when that employee misses or is late to work because of an emergency to which the employee was dispatched"

    Doesn't say anything about leaving work. IMO the mayor is right.

    lad12derff and bigrig77 like this