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Posts posted by LineCapt

  1. Sensationalism or truth?

    The latest fire in Mount Vernon confirms that Criminal Mayor Ernie Davis is burning down the City of Mount Vernon to intentionally to make way for low income housing all across the City of Mount Vernon.

    Ernie Davis has willfully and intentionally understaffed the Mount Vernon Fire Department so that fires that are intentionally set by Ernie's arson crew can burn longer than necessary ensuring that structures are burned to the point beyond repair.

  2. Bottom of Da Hill give it a rest already! You are just making yourself look even more and more clueless. No one agrees with you here (how can you not see that?), no one with any education will agree with you here, and no one wants to read any more of your posts trying to hijack and ruin this thread with your personally biased, absurd claims of favoritism. I'm starting to suspect you're just upset your department wasn't called. Again, wrong incident, wrong thread, and wrong time to be making such stupid claims.

  3. my point the ego.s and power trips not that of the IC but at 60 controls discretion sending family and friends and to the dept they belong to FF.S and civilians comes first.

    Stop harping on your "favoritism" claims already. No one agrees with you. Your post is one of the most ignorant posts I've ever seen. You have no idea what you are talking about and nothing to back it up. My guess is you just have an unrelated bone to pick and this is a perfect opportunity for you. Wrong situation to do that.

  4. i know all about mutual aid very well and i agree with you to a point.but there is favoritism.

    the grand scheme should get what you need there sooner then later kinda like a fast team? thats my experience tells me its not a parade.get what you need ASAP.i dont think the dispatchers should have that kind of power to show favoritism to the dept they belong to.

    With this incident I doubt that very much. Seems like you just like to start arguments or bash departments without having the facts. In other topics as well. What FACTS do you have to prove your ridiculous claim that there was "favoritism"? Do you also claim to know all about dispatching and incident command as well? The departments have run cards that specify who they want for mutual aid, and Incident Commanders request specific resources.

  5. Putnam Emergency Services Commisioner Adam Stiebeling Not Reappointed

    Deputy Commissioner Robert Lipton has been named the acting commissioner of the Bureau of Emergency Services

    CARMEL –

    Adam Stiebeling, Putnam County's Bureau of Emergency Services commissioner, has not been reappointed by County Executive MaryEllen Odell.


  6. Update:

    The Rye City Council approved changes to the tentative 2015 budget; most notably going against the recommendation of its city manager and deciding NOT to hire additional firefighters next year.

    “We are cognizant that this is a discussion that we are going to have to have in the coming year,” Sack said. “We thank the city manager for prompting us to have this discussion by including it in the budget, but these are not issues that appeared overnight. Existing conditions have been as they have for some time…and there is nothing that needs to be changed that can’t wait another year.”

  7. I've noticed several Chiefs vehicles with custom license plates not issued by DMV driving in other jurisdictions. Aren't these vehicles required to have license plates?

    My question applies to both career and volunteer Chiefs. Because I know most career departments have vehicles owned by either municipalities or districts, and some volunteer cars are owned by the fire company.

  8. Even if you suggest "constructive" criticism on this site people delete the posts and tell you it's an inflammatory comment. Apparently most people on these boards don't have thick skin and can't take it

    The Viper, what did you expect from this person?

    goon noun \ˈgün\

    : a person who is hired to threaten, beat up, or kill someone

    : a stupid person

    a man hired to terrorize or eliminate opponents

  9. I notice when 60 Control dispatches Squad 15, they say it extending the word, sounds like they are saying Squuuuaaaad. One of the Facebook Incident pages even types it like that when they have a job.

    Is there anything behind that? Otherwise, it's kind of immature and unprofessional. I doubt 60 Control would do it intentionally, as the entire county can hear this and would wonder, like me, why it's said the way it is. And Greenville FD is very professional and I doubt they would intentionally tolerate that either.

  10. On the Bronx River Parkway, yesterday morning, a vehicle went off the road in to the river. A good Samaritan pulled the driver from the car but was unable to get to the passenger. Engine 314 and Ladder 70 were two of the companies which responded to this incident. They flipped the car over to get the passenger, who was not breathing and unresponsive, out of the vehicle. Once out, Squad 11, and Battalion 2, who also responded, performed CPR, shocked the patient twice with the AED and brought the passenger back. They then stabilized the passenger and assisted with transport to Lawrence Hospital.

    Great job by the good Samaritan.

    Great job by the YFD

    From: Local 628 Yonkers Firefighters Facebook Page

    BFD1054 likes this

  11. Does Mount Vernon get any money at all? Where did the money come from for those 3 Pierces they bought a few years back? And I thought they were correcting all the firehouse issues?

    Getting back on topic, the Mayor actually walks in the firehouse and finds it acceptable? I have a friend who works down there, before the roof repair said there was mold all over the second floor. If it's actually sinking, what is being done about that?

  12. I find it very interesting that funding for this new "Executive Deputy Chief" is being requested from the taxpayers to "groom" a new Chief, and now the age discrimination and anti-sematic remarks come out. The only way for Fairview to handle this correctly in this day and age is to ask him to step down so hecan leave and still keep his pension. THAT will send a message. All the problems originate from him from everything I've read, and he's caused the district a lot of trouble, not to mention shining a light on the fire service and racism. Vikki Simmons, the Chairperson of the District, should also step down for her lack of proper and prompt handling of this situation, and being involved in all three incidents.

    He is only sorry because he got caught.

    It's also funny that the union isn't involved in this, not even a brief statement. They must tolerate this type of behavior of their leadership. Must be in the culture.

    Disaster_Guy and M' Ave like this