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Everything posted by EXDC203

  1. I dont think the bunker pants belong next to this truck.............
  2. Wow, so now we are blaming the Police, the Judges, and everyone else for idiots that drive drunk? What happened on the Taconic was horrible, it is nobody's fault but the person driving!!
  3. R.I.P. Brother Efdcapt, you are so right, something needs to be done. The slightest bounce & the water shifts, there is not much the driver can do.
  4. So what should we all get from this?? Lets ALL be just a little more carefull behind the wheel!
  5. Wow, you are concerned that the POV kept going? It seems there is a rescue type vehicle following the ladder, that stopped. If you have no first responder experience, and you can see that help is on the scene..........they did nothing wrong. Lets focus on the driver of that rig!!!
  6. Great pics, who is the old guy in shorts & sneakers wearing gloves?
  7. Old days??You are talking in the early 90's................Lets go back to the 80's when 14 was hit broadside @ Ashburton & Nepperhan & flipped....Tony was driving that day. How about when 10 Burst into flames? or when 2 of the OLD busses rear-ended each other on South Broadway comming back from the Racetrack............... How deep do you want to go....LOL
  8. R.I.P. Brother.... oh rah Marine!!
  9. It apppears that hotzolah can do whatever & wherever they want! They hide behind religious beliefs. Every week they run diamonds from k.j. village in Orange County down to Brooklyn in an ambulance, lights & siren, they go through EZ-pass & come back through EZ-pass..............they DON'T have EZ-pass!!!!!!
  10. Tim, you were still a vollie there.......right?
  11. Can we not form a group to collect money? Lets round it off to 1$, its a fitting tribute to all AMERICANS.
  12. Everyone benifits??????? ask the 2 cops................
  13. Another pedofile off the streets!
  14. Most Depts that I know of do "in house" training. including F.D.N.Y. . There is NO DMV regulations for a tiller driver in any state that I can find, so what do we do?
  15. Lay off cops & fireman.............buy a new Tahoe, yup I see the logic!!!!!
  16. Why does Empress transport most patients out of Yonkers? 2-3 blocks from a hospital & they transport to Jacobi or WMC. I dont want start a pissing match here. I would just like a valid answer.
  17. A. Transport the patient as soon as possible to the nearest appropriate hospital. If you are two blocks away from a hospital, any hospital, do you think its better to go to that facility & stabalize, then move to a trama center or put in a ambulance and drive 15-20 minutes, then try to save them? Give me your HONEST opinion, not NYS protocal.
  18. Check the Majority figures........then get back to me.
  19. I did towing & transport for 24 years............PLEASE tell me the name of the company!!!
  20. He needs the money to give another staff member a 46% raise
  21. Yonkers.......Get it right????
  22. Wow, an officer let his people do this.........
  23. Anyone know cause of the fire? Looks like it may be the same builder as my house.........
  24. Well if you want long runs lights & siren, go with Empress..........because know matter where they seem to be in Yonkers (even a block away from St.Joes or St.Johns) they transport to Jacobi.