Just a guy

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Posts posted by Just a guy

  1. Date: 8/31/12

    Time: 2000

    Location: Pitkin Park ( Locust Hill Avenue)

    Frequency: 453.2750

    Units Operating: 4th Pct / 3rd Pct / 4th Pct ACU / DD / ESU / CSU / Empress

    Weather Conditions: clear / warm

    Description Of Incident: YPD Received multiple calls of shots fired and a man down on the basketball court of Pitkin Park. The first arriving units confirmed the GSW and asked the bus to expedite. The male was transported to St. Joe's where he died. An extensive crime scene was set up and locust hill ave was closed off to all pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

    Reporters: Crime Cop

    sfrd18 likes this

  2. For those of you who still think things like this are " impossible " and just " Can't happen" , I have news for you, IT JUST DID only this time with deadly results for the troopers.

    Perp was searched and cuffed and put in back of RMP. Perp either flips or gets out of cuffs, reaches handgun that he has concealed on him and shoots both troopers from the back seat of the RMP killing one and seriously wounding the other.


  3. ok conspiracy commandos let's hear it, what do you think the police did wrong this time ?

    Unless you have extensive experience searching people in an arrest situation and finding and not finding hidden contraband on them then you would not be able to accurately say that something " isn't right."

    People flip their cuffs all the time, cops miss hidden contraband on people all the time. the weapon in this case was a .380, anyone who knows guns knows how small a .380 is and how easy it is to conceal.

    An a** crack and the crotch area can conceal almost anything, most certainly a .380

    This is nowhere near the first time a person has committed suicide with a handgun that was missed during a search while in custody.

    We have all seen the video of the man in San Bernadino California that made it into the interrogation room of the sheriff's office with a .45 in his waist and shot himself in the head. The guy in CA wasn't handcuffed but this story shows the mindet of people in custody.

    In Jauary in Georgia a prisoner snuck a gun into the jail in his rectum and in May a prisoner that had been searched multiple times in Dallas was found to have a handgun in his crotch only after he was transferred to another facitlity. Just last week, a guy got a gun into a jail in nashville and it fell to the floor out of his pants in front of the judge that was booking him.

    A further look into this case shows that there was a text on the perps who asking a guy to bring him a gun. The text was from earlier inthe day that he dealt with the cops. The perp called his girlfriend from the back of the radio car and said he had a gun and that he was scared. There were multiple civilian witnesses that said that the doors and windows of the RMP were all closed and that nobody was around it ( cops of civilians) when they heard the shot ring out and saw the cops go over to the car.

    Sorry to burst the conspiracy bubble but there really is nothing here other than a drug dealer who was armed with a gun that wasn't smart enough to admit it to the cops when he was caught and decided to take the easy way out.

  4. There is nothing " UHOH" about this. These 2 cops ran after and confronted a murderer who was armed with a .45 caliber canon and had already displayed his complete disregard for human life. The video clearly shows that he pulled out on them first and they reacted in a split second in accordance with their training and they effectively neutralized the threat.

    The fact that they did this during rush hour in mid town manhattan and nobody else was killed is a miracle but the bottom line is that THEY HAD NO OTHER CHOICE. Thankfully all of the innocent bystanders that were hit by rounds (3) and the others who were hit by debris from the rounds (6) will be OK and will fully recover. Undoubtedly they will all sue and the city will settle with them but as for the " Heat" on these cops.. I don't think you will see it that bad due to the fact that these 2 cops are heroes.

    If they didn't take this guy out as quickly as they did, who knows what else he would have done.

  5. Honorary Brighton Colorado Police Officer Jose Rubio-Pavon passed away Friday after a courageous battle with brain cancer, he was 12 years old.

    Jose had always wanted to be a police officer so in May, Officers from the Brighton PD swore him in during a ceremony in his hospice room and gave him a uniform shirt, shield and a certificate.

    This is a sad story but I'm sure these officers made the last few months of this boy's life a little better.

    The Brighton PD and FD led the funeral procession.

    Rest In Peace Officer Rubio-Pavon


    sfrd18, sueg, 210 and 3 others like this

  6. Whether or not she has a license or has a beef against PD or any other reason... this woman was holding a sign! Too bad if PD doesn't like it. Its a sign. Sorry guys, get up and move. Its her right to hold that sign and she should be commended for the guts to hold that sign. Someone needs to remind the government that the people have real rights, like free speech which includes holding up simple signs, especially if its a sign that annoys the police. Its just how it works. The same First Amendment right that Neo-Nazis have, or the people who hold up those nasty signs at military funerals. "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it" -Voltaire... Especially what anyone has to say about government, the state, or the police. It's one of those rules of how democracy can survive

    Let's also not forget that the article states that she saw what she believed to be random people being pulled over. She had no clue what those cops were doing, suppose they were looking for a homicide suspect that was supposed to be coming that way and they were stopping cars looking for the suspect, if that was the case then this twit just alerted the murderer that the cops were up ahead and would allow him the opportunity to turn around and flee the area.

    She took this too far and she paid the price for it.

    billy98988 and highwaybuff like this

  7. First off, this article, or blog or whatever you want to call it was clearly written by someone who knows NOTHING of the law and has some bias against law enforcement as is evidenced by the sarcasm that was noted through out.

    It sounds like he arrested her for obstruction and the DA wouldn't go for it so they charged her with disorderly conduct. As far as searching her backpack without her consent, she was under arrest and at that point he doesn't need her consent, the officer has every right to inventory her property.

    As a bicyclist in the area you would think that the police enforcing the VTL and causing drivers to slow down and pay more attention would be a positive thing for her because it would keep her safer on her bicycle, but she had to join the anti cop crowd and instead of applaud the police, she chose to work against them.

    Good that they locked her up, maybe next time she will mind her business.

  8. Just to Expand on Init915's post, This is from the New York State Penal Law,

    35.15 Justification; use of physical force in defense of a person.

    2. A person may not use deadly physical force upon another person

    under circumstances specified in subdivision one unless:

    ( He or she reasonably believes that such other person is committing

    or attempting to commit a kidnapping, forcible rape, forcible criminal

    sexual act or robbery; or

    PEMO3, BFD1054 and efdcapt115 like this

  9. Even though Romney is anti union, anti labor, anti firefighters, anti cops, anti teachers you still want him??? Not a chance in hell. He is trashing "Obama care" and it is quite similar to his own healthcare plan he instituted in MA. I don't love the choices, but I am not for anyone who is against the way I make a living. Wisconsin? Hello???? Get rid of collective barganing??? All politicians suck, they all lie, but the Republicans are no friend of middle class, civil service union employees. He wants to take everything away that so many have fought for. Who helped institute a tier 6? Democrats?

    I am not pleased with the anti union action that many republicans have taken but it's not enough for me to vote for obama. If you think the democrats give a s*** about you or your union then I have a bridge to sell you real cheap and barely used.

  10. do tell

    the fact that one may be desensitized to this does not mean that one is not a sadist.

    for the record, i have done the fd and ems and i have met some pretty nasty people. i have not done the pd simply because i don't want to. my point - cops complain about their jobs like little whiney girls. when you become a cop you make a decision to do so. if you don't like it then leave. clearly, some of the cops on this forum get a hard on from bonding over how much society hates you. society hates you because of the blue wall your unions have created to protect yours butts. case and point, if you stand behind the blue wall, you just became apart of the scum you swore to protect.

    back to this person. i am neither anti-cop nor am i pro-cop. i never have a bias about cops, my opinion is strictly what i personally know about the many many many cops i know. but still, when society knows that you smile and/or laugh at dead perps, society will further judge you sadism.


    I'm going to go out on a limb and say that your service if any has been in a volunteer capacity in a fairly safe community ( NO I AM NOT KNOCKING THE VOLUNTEER SERVICE OR THOSE PEOPLE WHO WORK IN LOW CRIME AREAS) With that being said, you made some pretty bold statements about cops, and you base all of it on the " many,many,many " cops you know so I guess you know a lot of the 800,000 law enforcement officers in this country to make such statements.

    You have the balls to call people trash and then come on here with your backward, ignorant rambling diatribe about cops when in reality, I bet you wouldn't have the stones to be a cop, or your couldn't pass the psych.

    I am a proud cop and a proud union member and I am proud to stand in the blue line with my brothers and sisters all over the country.

    The only person I see on this forum acting like a little whiney girl is you, whining about your hatred for the cops.

    You know what seperates cops from other people ? It's the fact that even though you come on here and slag us, if you needed help, every cop on these forums would lay down his life in defense of yours because that is the risk that we acknowledged when we took that job.

    As far as the brothers in Brooklyn that were forced to shoot this woman, I say they did a great job, they protected themselves and the community from a criminal that was showing hostility and aggression and was posing a huge risk not only to the cops but to the community.

    As far as cops laughing as dead perps, etc... cops utilize gallows humor as a way to deal with a stressful situation, it may not look or sound nice but it is a tried and true method of calming your nerves after an intense situation and has nothing to do with being desensitised or cruel.

  11. This sounds like a drug rip gone bad.

    The story was good up to the part where I started reading the comments and then I remembered how friggen stupid a large portion of the population is.

    It's amazing that people on there are trying to make excuses for this criminal and his behavior and some of them are actually blaming the police.

    It's incredibly frustrating to see how backward people's thoughts and ideas about us are.

    dadbo46, BFD1054, x129K and 3 others like this

  12. I haven't been on emtbravo in a few days so I sign in and see this topic and I figure I should get another cup of coffee before I read my daily dose of anti cop stupidity... and I was not let down.....

    I have said before many times that there is a huge anti cop sentiment on here and it once again reared it's ugly head in this thread and in the thread about the ESU guys getting people of an apartment.

    I believe it is incumbent on all of us to do WHATEVER we have to do to get the job done and to keep the public safe. It seems like some on here have forgotten that keeping the public safe is our primary function.

    When I happen to be at a scene, even a medical call, I help however I can. If someone from empress says " here hold this" and they hand me whatever, what am I going to say no ??? Of course not I'm going to provide whatever help they need to get their job done. There have been times when a PD member has had to drive an empress bus because the medics were working the patient.. do you think anyone at empress got their drawers in a bunch and complained that a cop was driving the bus ?? Of course not..... this isn't a perfect world, jobs don't always go by the playbook and we all have to be ready for that.

    If there is a working structure fire and the YFD is there and i'm walking up to the scene and a firefighter is trying to connect to a hydrant and it's stuck, if he says " hey can you give me a hand here" Of course i'm going to help him without hesitation.. because thats what we do... we help without hesitation.

    I could go on and on providing more what if's and giving actualy instances where cops have been asked by other services to help but those of us who are rational know that these troopers rose to the occasion and supported the FD when they needed it.

    Great Job Brothers.

  13. Spring has definitely sprung in Yonkers.... we have had 3 shootings in the last 36 hours. The shot spotter has been up and running for more than a year now. With these last 3 shootings there were multiple calls from multiple sources as well as shot spotter activations. As far as putting it city wide, I haven't heard any plans for it nor do I see the need for it to be set up on the east side.

    It's a good tool for us to use especially when the locals " don't want to get involved." There are times where we hear the shots while on the road and we never get a call from a civilian so getting a heads up from the shot spotter gives us a good chance at getting there and getting the perp.

    BFD1054 likes this

  14. Date:4/21/12

    Time:0100 hrs.

    Location:86 Elliot Avenue

    Frequency:453.4750 YPD 1

    Units Operating:3rd Precinct / ESU / Anti Crime / DD / Empress

    Weather Conditions: clear / cool

    Description Of Incident: YPD received multiple calls of shots fired. The first arriving 3rd Precinct units found a male with a GSW to the leg.

    Reporters: Crime Cop

  15. Date:4/20/12

    Time:1830 hours

    Location:103 Ash Street

    Frequency: 453.4750 YPD 1

    Units Operating: 3rd PCT/ 4th PCT / Anti Crime / ESU / D.D. / Empress / WCPD Aviation

    Weather Conditions: clear

    Description Of Incident: YPD received multiple calls and shot spotter activations for shots fired. Responding units found a male at the corner of Nepperhan Ave. X Elm Street with a GSW to the shoulder.

    Reporters: Crime Cop