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Posts posted by PEMO3

  1. I have just one question for those that are supporting this group as a "right to free speech". Before you make your statement think, put yourself in the place of these families, parent for the most part of 6 year olds. Would you still support their free speech if it was your loved ones funeral that was being protested? A child that was innocently gunned down or teacher protecting a child. How would you feel if you were meet by people saying "God Hates America" and spewing hateful words while you were grieving and trying to spend your last moments with your child or loved one. Is this the memory you would want or does this just add "icing to the cake" of pain that these families are already feeling. It is easy to quote scripture, the Constitution and law but one needs to step back and think before speaking and ponder what if this were me. What would I do? What would I want done? I don't think one person here will say they want the last memories of their loved ones funeral service to be marred with controversy. Just my opinion.

    peterose313, 210, Bnechis and 3 others like this

  2. The said part is that this "prank" was a non issue until the news media gave it a life of its own. Think of all the stories the media has used to sell ratings recently - EMS Commander carried through flood waters, pictures of the gentleman moments before he was struck by the train, and the list goes on. All these actions have real consequences the same way this ratings prank did. People forget even our lives are effected by the principles of basic physics - for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    I just hope this woman's liife was worth the ratings bump.

    JetPhoto, Bnechis and BFD1054 like this

  3. ".An ill-advised stunt by a pair of Australian shock jocks took a tragic turn when a nurse they tricked in order to get confidential information about the royal baby committed suicide.Jacintha Saldanha, a nurse at King Edward VII Hospital, where pregnant Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton was being treated for morning sickness, was the butt of the cruel joke. The now-suspended deejays, posing as Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles, coaxed Saldanha into transferring them for an update on the condition of Middleton, wife of Prince William. On Friday, officials announced Saldanha had taken her life."Police were called at approximately 9:35 a.m. this morning to a report of a woman found  unconscious,” a Scotland Yard spokesman said. "London Ambulance Service attended and the woman was pronounced dead at the scene.”

    Read more:

  4. After reading the entire article some questions come to mind that some of our law enforcement members on the forum may be best at answering. Where does the NYS seat belt law stand on seat belts in the patient compartment of ambulances. I know there have been statements of where we would opt to have family ride, department rules and personal rules regarding family member placement and belting but all that aside where does the issue stand on legal footing. Is it required or suggested for use? If required and not followed who would be summons the driver or the person not belted if over 18 or both?

  5. I have had many an experience with the homeless and a lot don't want items, they want the cash to buy their booze or drugs. A large number are pure scam artists, content with the lives they live, not wanting a home or job. Mental illness runs high in this population but lets face it being homeless has to take its toll on even the most sane individual. I once had a man ask for money in the Bronx for food because he was hungry while outside a McDonalds. While inside I bought a cheeseburger meal and handed it to him assuming the meal would be the right thing to do. He proceeded to throw the bag on the ground, curse me out and tell me that I should have given him the money, that he did not need my hand out. To this day that image has always stuck in the forefront of my memory. My gesture of a meal was a "handout" but my cash was not. :blink: Go figure.

    helicopper, x635, grumpyff and 1 other like this

  6. Let me start by saying that the man is an absolute moron and should also have his immigration status checked. I don't speak English is now a defense? But playing the devils advocate here on the charge that I am sure will be closely watched around the nation as to the precedent it may set - Is placing a boot on a vehicle criminal damage to property? Can anyone use that same argument when their vehicle is booted by say a municipality and they have tire/rim damage? Is the booting agent criminally liable? Again, before anyone jumps down my neck I am NOT defending this a--holes actions just thinking out loud as to what the rest of the scofflaw morons out there are possibly looking at as a pay day.

  7. So here's my question. If the 1st and 2nd Asst. Chief positions are left vacant, the responsibilities of those positions still need to be taken care of, so wouldn't those fall on the Chief and the next highest officer in the chain of command (in this case, Mr. Moose,) regardless of what their official title was? Just curious what everyone's thoughts are about that.

    Just one point that should be considered. The "duties" will need to be taken care of but it should be remembered that you can delegate the task or duties but you can not delegate the responsibility for the task or duty. That being said if Moose were to remain as a Captain performing the "tasks or duties" of a chief the ultimate responsibility for those "delegated "duties" would fall to the Chief not the Captain.

    SageVigiles likes this

  8. Mayor Bloomberg has joined NJ and Nassau and Suffolk in instituting and ODD-EVEN day distribution program for gas & diesel in NYC.

    Here's how it works:

    · Vehicles with license plates ending in an even number or the number “0” can make purchases of motor fuel on even numbered days.

    · Vehicles with license plates ending in an odd number can make purchases of motor fuel on odd numbered days.

    · Vehicles with licenses plates ending in a letter or other character can make purchases on odd numbered days.

    · Commercial vehicles, emergency vehicles, buses and paratransit vehicles, Medical Doctor (MD) plates and vehicles licensed by the Taxi and Limousine Commission are exempt.

    x635 likes this

  9. Interesting. If the manufacturer recommended the helmets should be considered for replacement starting every 5 years and the city said they were safe by their standards at a 10 year cycle the union and the membership would be up in arms demanding that they replace them every 4 years and 364 days and that the old "unsafe" helmets be destroyed so no one would use them and get hurt.

    INIT915 and calhobs like this

  10. I will agree that last night was definitely better than last night but I think we are forgetting that it is a TV show and not Reality TV. Trying to evaluate their technique and methods and not remembering that they are playing to a wider audience is the issue. I think if while watching we remember it is just a TV show and not real it might actually be enjoyable.