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Posts posted by JFLYNN

  1. WOW!

    I remember something in some apparatus class, to raise your aerial above and bring it down so someone doesn't try to jump to it. Obviously, that aerial and that jump was amazing. I do wonder what would have happened had he not had the strength and agility to jump to the ladder. Good thing to keep in the back of you mind when you're considering aerial length when purchasing apparatus.

    I wonder what percentage of Firefighters could have made the 2 moves that that tradesman did?

    Medic137, 210, SageVigiles and 2 others like this

  2. wow come on really ? you go there when they just lost every thing?what answers are you looking for here?have some respect for gbfd even if there vollunteer.s.

    I do not understand all of your post. What do you mean by "wow come on really?" , "have some respect"and ..."even if they are volunteers"? Are you infering that I am being disrespectful? If so, please elaborate why you feel this way.

    To be clear to the objective and fair minded readers out there- I intend no disrespect. Is your comment "even if they are volunteers" meant to be demeaning or disrespectful of volunteer Firefighters? If so, I disavow that totally and would point out that disrespecting of any group or individual has no place on this forum.

    In answer to your question "what answers are you looking for?"...I am looking for (not demanding, simply inquiring) for answers to the questions that I asked.


    xchief2x, billy98988, x635 and 3 others like this

  3. Alright, here goes nothing...

    First, the chiefs vehicle that is being investigated as the cause of the fire was parked in the garage because it was due for replacement. Our replacement, another Police Interceptor SUV, has been on order for months and is currently at Cruiser Division for outfitting. It had been expedited at this time and is slated for delivery within the next couple of weeks.

    As it stands the Goldens Bridge Fire District is being covered by the South Salem and Croton Falls fire departments. The officers from GBFD will be responding to aid with logistical aspects I.e. Water source locations, address locations and aspects of that nature. We are not responding solely due to the fact that a good majority of PPE has been either completely burned beyond recognition or has been exposed to extremely high heat. Not to mention it's all covered with about a quarter inch of soot. All of our reserve sets were in storage in the effected apparatus bay.

    We did have a chief resign for reasons that are far, far out of my pay grade. However, he was in attendance throughout the process of of this incident. Both remaining chiefs were on location however opted to have 2071 act as incident command, however remained at the command post to aid with building construction aspects and to assist with possible hazards.

    After another day, the amount of aid that we have been offered is unbelievable. We have received emails from fire departments from all over the world offering assistance. From turnout gear to pieces of apparatus, the offerings have been truly amazing. A huge thank you goes out to the Croton Falls, South Salem, and Katonah Fire Departments for making this process extremely easy for us. Again we can't thank everyone enough for reaching out a offering any assistance possible.

    Are you able to tell us more about the Chiefs vehicle that is being investigated? I had heard electrical was the cause.

  4. I am very sorry for the damage that was done to this house and the apparatus and sending my best wishes to all members of the community who have been affected by this.Some questions:

    Is it true that one or two Chiefs (or ex-Chiefs) had very recently prior to this fire resigned, or were forced out?

    If true, why?

    If true, did this have any effect on the outcome of the firefight?

    Is Golden's Bridge currently having issues with having an adequate number of qualified interior Firefighters, Company and Chief Officers available to respond in a timely manner?

    I read that the cause of the fire was electrical? Is this true and if so, are there more specifics available?


    highwaybuff and ARI1220 like this

  5. I've just been told he is still critically ill and intubated, but is slowly making positive progress each and every day The next few days as he is weaned off the vent, some of the meds, and gets an MRI and other testing, we will know more. OVAC and our EMS family from all over has been there holding vigil 24/7 and supporting his family, but that goes without saying. He needs our continued prayers now more then ever. I know he's going to come out of this, but it's going to be a long battle that we're all going to be there for to help him through.

    I have been out in California- coming home tonight and I will stop by to visit Sam on Friday. He is in WMC, correct? What are the visiting hours? Thanks!

  6. Sad news here's to a speedy recovery

    I am really sorry to hear about Sam. He is a friend of mine, a true professional, and a credit to the communities that OVAC serves. I was just speaking with him last week- he was helping me with an Excel presentation. Sam, his family and friends are in my thouthts and prayers.

    Sad news here's to a speedy recovery

    I am really sorry to hear about Sam. He is a friend of mine, a true professional, and a credit to the communities that OVAC serves. I was just speaking with him last week- he was helping me with an Excel presentation. Sam, his family and friends are in my thouthts and prayers.

  7. The class of 2007 was comprised of a list that was in existence for 5 yrs by court order to get to an individual. I believe that once the individual was reached the new list was put into existence for the remainder of the class.

    The reason this list was extended was because the Feds determined that normally another class would have been hired off of this list but that class did not initially happen due to a decision to avoid hiring that individual.. I can't prove it but I tend to agree with the Feds on this one.

  8. Chief, thanks for the info.

    Technically NYS civil service law only allows list to be for 1 year with the local civil service commission allowed to extend it in 1 year (or less) increments up to a max of a 4 year list. They can extended at any time (before the test or during the lists life).

    Yes Barry but in the case of the two and a half year list the Justice Department trumped NYS Civil Service Law :)

    There was also a class hired in 1989 off of two lists- several people were hired from the already expired list and the remainder off of the new list. I was never quite sure how they were able to finagle that, LOL.

    Bnechis likes this

  9. Exactly! I've seen guys in the past that aced the physical aspect of the test and write a 82% on the written part which placed them around 118 on the final list. They never got reached. Typically, most if not all of the yfd ff hiring list ive seen or heard in the past 20 yrs lasted for a 4 yr duration. Excluding legal issues, budget issues and politics aside. I've seen lists reach candidates who were ranked in the 60's as well in the low 100's. Most lists typically see two classes hired off of it in the four year duration. Time will tell. Good luck!!

    Exactly! I've seen guys in the past that aced the physical aspect of the test and write a 82% on the written part which placed them around 118 on the final list. They never got reached. Typically, most if not all of the yfd ff hiring list ive seen or heard in the past 20 yrs lasted for a 4 yr duration. Excluding legal issues, budget issues and politics aside. I've seen lists reach candidates who were ranked in the 60's as well in the low 100's. Most lists typically see two classes hired off of it in the four year duration. Time will tell. Good luck!!

    Exactly! I've seen guys in the past that aced the physical aspect of the test and write a 82% on the written part which placed them around 118 on the final list. They never got reached. Typically, most if not all of the yfd ff hiring list ive seen or heard in the past 20 yrs lasted for a 4 yr duration. Excluding legal issues, budget issues and politics aside. I've seen lists reach candidates who were ranked in the 60's as well in the low 100's. Most lists typically see two classes hired off of it in the four year duration. Time will tell. Good luck!!

    Over the last 24 years there have been 4 four year lists, 3 two year lists, and 1 two and a half year list.

  10. I was not at this fire but I remember it and I know these buildings pretty well although I haven't been in them since I made Chief 8 years ago, so some of these details may be foggy. This is a u-shaped complex of 5 or 6 story ordinary constructed apartments with a large courtyard. They are set back from the street and almost a full story above grade. At one time these buildings must have been very beautiful. It has some ornate features like large lobby's and hallways with marble, cast iron decoration in places, and larger than normal apartments, but they have deteriorated over the years. There is a standpipe but it is a Class 2 with only inch and a half connections- intended for occupant use only. The cockloft is open throughout the entire complex as far as I know. I believe also that the roof is a "rain roof" or "inverted roof". Depending on which apartment(s) hose is being stretched to it would be anywhere from a 7 to maybe as much as a 15 length stretch I would estimate.

    AC Bill Webster (deceased) had this fire as the first due Battalion Chief. He was a very experienced and knowledgeable Chief and I knew him well. He was very happy with the outcome of the firefighting efforts. I don't remember which line of apartments this came in as but the fire had run the dumbwaiter from the basement to the cockloft prior to FD arrival. A long stretch of 2 and a half or maybe 3 and a half was made and connected to a water thief which fed 1 3/4" attack lines. Some companies went in from Groshon St. - a dead end on the south side of the building which was a good move. Holes were made over the fire and a succesful trench cut was made- this is quite rare. I think, but am not sure, that the fire was held to just one of the attached buildings, maybe 10 or so apartments? (the addresses are 100-110 I think? 6 separate buildings?) Someone on this forum from YFD from 303, 306, 304, 71 or 74 will know for certain I can't remember.I don't know if this fire was incendiary as you mentioned. There may have been rescues,- I do remember being told it was very hectic right from the get go and all involved were pleasantly surprised at the stop they were able to make.

    I just re-read your original post. These buildings are definitely not fireproof. Actually, that term is a misnomer, despite its use by FDNY. However, using that term as it is used by FDNY, these buildings would not qualify.

    Stepjam and x635 like this

  11. I was not at this fire but I remember it and I know these buildings pretty well although I haven't been in them since I made Chief 8 years ago, so some of these details may be foggy. This is a u-shaped complex of 5 or 6 story ordinary constructed apartments with a large courtyard. They are set back from the street and almost a full story above grade. At one time these buildings must have been very beautiful. It has some ornate features like large lobby's and hallways with marble, cast iron decoration in places, and larger than normal apartments, but they have deteriorated over the years. There is a standpipe but it is a Class 2 with only inch and a half connections- intended for occupant use only. The cockloft is open throughout the entire complex as far as I know. I believe also that the roof is a "rain roof" or "inverted roof". Depending on which apartment(s) hose is being stretched to it would be anywhere from a 7 to maybe as much as a 15 length stretch I would estimate.

    AC Bill Webster (deceased) had this fire as the first due Battalion Chief. He was a very experienced and knowledgeable Chief and I knew him well. He was very happy with the outcome of the firefighting efforts. I don't remember which line of apartments this came in as but the fire had run the dumbwaiter from the basement to the cockloft prior to FD arrival. A long stretch of 2 and a half or maybe 3 and a half was made and connected to a water thief which fed 1 3/4" attack lines. Some companies went in from Groshon St. - a dead end on the south side of the building which was a good move. Holes were made over the fire and a succesful trench cut was made- this is quite rare. I think, but am not sure, that the fire was held to just one of the attached buildings, maybe 10 or so apartments? (the addresses are 100-110 I think? 6 separate buildings?) Someone on this forum from YFD from 303, 306, 304, 71 or 74 will know for certain I can't remember.I don't know if this fire was incendiary as you mentioned. There may have been rescues,- I do remember being told it was very hectic right from the get go and all involved were pleasantly surprised at the stop they were able to make.

    x635 and Stepjam like this

  12. Good Morning Chief Flynn:

    Just a few questions to a very respected Firefighter Professional in Westchester County:

    1) I know that you were, for a Long Time, Captain on Rescue 1. Can you let me know what company you were assigned to when you first came out of the Fire Academy?

    2) Are there plans to place the rig on Engine 313 (The oldest in service rig in the fleet)?

    3) What are your thoughts and opinions related to the "studied" concept of Regionalizing the Fire Service, at minimum, in Southern Westchester County? Could a combined department of say, Yonkers, Mount Vernon, Eastchester, New Rochelle, Pelham and Pelham Manor work. Knowing the vast amount of Apparatus, Equipment, and Resources that both Yonkers and New Rochelle has, that could be shared under a Regional Department Concept, with departments that are currently less fortunate (ie: Mount Vernon) could serve to allow for a more effective and quicker deployment of resources, without any need of a Mutual Aid Program. Your thoughts on this?

    4) Knowing that YFD, currently is running its Management Offices out of the offices next door to the SOD, does this building/location carry any pieces of memorabilia from the History of the Department? (What are the latest plans of ever coming up with a Yonkers Fire Department Museum, at least as close to what the Yonkers Police Department has)?

    Much thanks and appreciation Chief !!!

    I would rather not answer any questions about myself on this thread. As gpeifer mentioned it was originally about a fantastic job our members did on a very busy and frigid night, surely saving multiple lives and mitigating property damage, and I would hope it might focus on its original intent. As far as 313- apparatus is not my division and I would rather not get into that, and as far as regionalization / consolidation- I am for it under the right circumstances but again, this is not the correct thread to discuss that. I will keep an eye on this site over the next week or so, and if a thread pops up with regionalization / consolidation as the topic I will consider chiming in. Same thing for the memorabilia / museum question- this is not the appropriate thread to discuss that.

    I would like to keep the attention on the great work that our members did on the night in question, as well as during numerous other working fires so far this winter (most of which were not reported on in the IA section here) . Notably, the skilled and dedicated firefighting operations that took place on the night of the 2 jobs that this thread initially focused on was done by a force comprised of 1 in 6 firefighters with only a week or so out of the academy, and another 30+ with less than a year on the job, and many of the bosses very new in their current rank, I was not at all involved with the operations on that night, but I am very proud of the excellent work that was done by our members and the attention should be on them in this thread.

  13. Who in God's name is reporting 67, 896 first of all? When was that census taken 1950? Completely false!! As far as fewer Companies with more staffing on each I have a problem with that too and never mind what NIOSH thinks. Again they are not the ones actually performing Fire Suppression, they're only making suggestions from so called studies. Was never a big fan of robbing Peter to pay Paul and putting rigs oos to increase the staffing on others. Ive witnessed on numerous occasions a 3man Engine Co(Off/2FF) do an outstanding Job and do just as much as a 4 man Co preventing a Job becoming greater then it was. Did NIOSH and OSHA ever take into consideration that FDs due more then just wait around for the Big One. Are they aware FD's now respond on EMS; stuck elevators; car accidents; water leaks; gas leaks; CO investigations; Lockouts; etc.etc.etc. You say 4(4 man) Engines and 2(4 man ) trucks(24 total) is enough for a City like MT.Vernon because Equipment doesn't put out fires men do. So what happens when 2 of those Engines are out on EMS runs( more so then often) and 1 Truck is out on a stuck elevator or CO investigation( very good possibility and also happens quite often)? Now you have 2 Engines and 1 Ladder responding to a structure fire with 12 guys, less the 2 MPO's and now your down to 10. Is that enough? How about we play the same scenario out with 5 Engines(3man) and 3 Ladders(3man). Granted, you would only have 3 more for a total of 13(15 less 2MPOs) but like I said earlier Ive seen 3 men do a lot and I think it's allot better then 10 but surely still inadequate obviously. Not to mention the more rigs you have the more security your provided in case something happens to one of your apparatus while responding or while there, whether it be mechanical, mva while enroute, frozen hydrant, etc etc. which Im sure we've all experienced on more then one occasion. Personally speaking Id rather have more apps. with less manpower as a Duty Officer then less apps. with more manpower. Im at a better advantage and can use my extra equipment as I see fit. The more toys I feel you have in your back pocket to play with the better off not only will your members be but the citizens we took an oath to protect. The more apps you have the more calls you can cover and won't find yourself shorthanded scrambling for resources when the s*** hits the fan. If I was a Duty Officer and given a roster of 28 men and told to place them where I see fit I would actually rather see 6 Engines(3man) and 3 Trucks(3man) then say 4 Engines(5 man) and 2 Trucks(4man). Again JMO, but Im really getting tired of people who aren't out on the front lines and conducting studies telling those of us who are actually in the trenches how to run things. Once again this horse has been beaten enough so Im tapping out.

    No offense, Seth, but posts such as this one are a perfect example of why I rarely post here anymore and also why I recommend to our young guys that they use this site and other similar sites solely for entertainment and local incident alerts only. For the purpose of fire service education and intelligent discourse that is vetted and edited by credible experts, stick to the edited fire service journals and websites published by such entities as Fire Engineering, Fire Chief, Fire Rescue, Firehouse, WNYF, NFPA, NIOSH, NFA, FEMA, and fire service textbooks. There are many experienced, educated, intelligent, and reasonable individuals who post on here, however there is also an incredible amount of disinformation and outright falsehoods / nonsense. For our newer fire service membership (which we have very many of currently in YFD) who may not yet have learned which sources are credible and which are not, take what you read here with a healthy dose of skepticism. Oh, and QTIP....

    xchief2x, JM15, FirNaTine and 2 others like this

  14. Nice job in the trus Y.F.D. Tradition --Following in the tradition of the Y.F.D. Always looking out for the people of Yonkers. History repeats its self In the late 70's on Ashburton Ave. coming up from Alexander St. A truck from Philips wire lost a large wire spool. I believe it was Lt. Garry Kuehnen (LODD 377 North Bway 1983) who was off duty at the time and used his own station wagon to stop the spool of wire from hitting kids leaving the old Public School 6 on Ashburton Ave.

    Yes this is true as you have described it. I was the picture somewhere once- it was a very large spool at the top of a very steep hill. Form what I was told by my father and others, Gary Keuner was a well liked guy with an excellent reputation as a Firefighter, who died after becoming separated from his crew while searching for trapped occupants at a mumtiple alarm fire in a large H-type building with fire on multiple floors on arrival and numerous trapped (and subsequently rescued) occupants.

    x635 and x129K like this

  15. How much does Crossfit cost?

    I've let myself go physically since my injury in 2007, and still have the strength but I need to build my endurance and burn off some fat. Even though I can never be a firefighter again, I want to be at the level where I can eventually do this:


    I don't know if I'm capable of it, but that's my goal.

    Thanks guys for all the advice, I appreciate it. I'm trying to start living healthier and it's hard getting motivated and started-and finding the time. I probably need some sort of "boot camp" to start, but I am really confused as to what would be the best diets and supplements would be. There used to be a store in Yorktown that was basically run by a very good friend who is now an FDNY Firefighter and YHFD Chief and one of the first EMTBravo member,. But that's gone and he's super busy......how do I figure out the diet,nutrition, and supplements personalized for me?

    Seth, Crossfit is fantastic. However, based on what you have written in this post, and knowing your previous injuries I would recommend buying the book, Body for Life, by Bill Phillips. It is an easy read. The book has great info on diet, cardio, and resistance training, as well as web support. Phillips recommends a 12 week program, with one "free" or cheat day per week. . If you stick with it for 12 weeks, it will change your life. Another great tool I found recently that would complement the Bill Phillips philosophy is "MyFitnessPal", a free, easy to use, on line, calorie and exercise tracker. Living a healthy lifestyle is quite difficult to begin, but if you devote yourself to 12 weeks learning new things and developing new habits, you will see great results and it will become very easy and natural to continue. After 12 weeks, try to work in the CrossFit, it's great. No charge for this, LOL.

    antiquefirelt likes this

  16. Ok gonna open up. Have been keeping an eye on this topic and must say I'm getting quiet upset over the negative comments being said about a company I work for. In no way have I ever been more upset with YFD then I was yesterday. All they did was stand there and watch as we tried to make a life saving decession. The only thing the officer on this unit could say is "make up your minds. We are outta here." And took him and his manpower and left. At times I enjoy having the fd there to help. If you don't want to help then stay in quarters. Oh and for the record by the time a unit gets to the scene its usually about 5min. Unless tied up attempting to clear from a previous call. So keep the negative response times to yourselfs.

    Good night!

    A YFD member walked into my office this morning and expressed concern about this post. Allegations such as this need to be investigated and dealt with appropriately. As the first step of my investigation I sent a private message to this poster providing my cell number and asking for elaboration on any problems which were experienced. This poster, who identified himself as Ken stated..."Good morning Chief, One bad encounter is nothing new to me. You guys are awesome! They do an awesome job."......As for the negative comments. I miss (sic) typed. I ment (sic) to have time comments in there. However, as we all know working 28 hours in yonkers can take a toll on your mind. Stay safe, Ken"

    I messaged Ken back and asked him to post a clarification but so far he has apparently been away from his computer. I imagine that he will post a clarification soon but I wanted to get this info up asap. The best way to counter the negative effects of rumors / the grapevine is a timely flow of accurate and relevant information.

    I left the middle part of Ken's message out because it was just friendly banter. I'm sure that he wouldn't mind me posting parts of his private message based on the content. Thank you Ken, for owning up to your mistake and I hope you can get that clarification posted asap.

  17. So why won't the city let you? I can't understand how this relates to staffing, why would minimum staffing be dependent on the first responder program?

    There are contractual issues at play between the unions and the administration. I am unable to elaborate further on a public forum. However, if you PM me I will provide my telephone number and will be happy to explain it to you as I understand it.

  18. If YFD is so concerned about EMS in a timely manner, then why since this whole plan was announced, are the YFD dispatchers "forgetting" to call Empress despite complaints from Empress about it?

    If this in fact is happening please report it through the proper channels. The Public Safety Dispatchers are a dedicated group. They are civilians and they are supervised by the Yonkers Police Department. The YFD administration is unaware of this and frankly, I doubt it is happening, but if you have knowledge of such occurences please report it rather than make allegations on here.

  19. But nobody from YFD is trying to take a job from anyone at Empress....

    An emergency medical SYSTEM encompasses BLS First Responder, and both BLS and ALS transport, as well as ALS Medics in fly cars as support. YFD has never and is not now going after the ALS or transport portions of this SYSTEM. All we want is to keep the work we have had for 22 plus years, which has saved many lives, and cannot be replaced by what I have seen proposes.

    These are solely my own opinions and are being shared in a non-official capacity. These comments do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Yonkers Fire Department but are factually true as I understand them.

    SageVigiles and firedude like this

  20. If YFD could do a better job at EMS, then why wasn't it ever pursued?

    EMS encompasses BLS First Responder, BLS Transport, and ALS response as well as transport - terminology expressed in my non-expert opinion / language. YFD was never going after ALS or transport, or in fact, "going after" anything. Just trying to keep the work it has had for over 22 years.

    They are not saying they are going after fires. Nor are the telling you how to fight fires. And these guys have much more to lose. An average YFD firefighter makes over $100,000 a year with great pay, benefits, and a pension after 20 years. Empress Paramedics make an average of $40,000 a year, and most have to work a second job and overtime to make ends meet. They have a lot more to lose if they contend with Local 628.

    But nobody from YFD is trying to take a job from anyone at Empress....

  21. Hopefully you guys get to keep your jobs. I hear YFD is making a push to get rid of all of the civilian dispatchers and replace them with light duty FFs.

    I rarely comment on this guys posts because they are usually so incredibly off base, incorrect, disrespectful, and inflamatory when it comes to YFD. However, I can assure all that this has never been discussed at any time during the last 7 years that I have been a member of senior management and to be absolutely clear, it is not being discussed now, and I do not anticipate it will be discussed or considered at any time in the foreseeable future.

    M' Ave, CBX4627, x635 and 6 others like this

  22. if YFD is going to lose several fire companies bc Empress expands the 1st responder program, then I think there is a bigger problem. I'm pretty sure the fire companies exist for fire reasons and not medical reasons.

    All of the 18 Fire Companies with the current manning are necessary for fire and emergency protection, regardless of the existence of a First Responder Program. There is no certainly as far as I can tell that "several" companies would be eliminated if the First Responder Program were eliminated. In my educated opinion YFD manning levels are not excessive in relation to similar sized Northeast Departments.

    It should be noted that many who post on here, including occasionally YFD members, engage in speculation and do not necessarily have an adequate understanding of the "big picture".

    I would like to emphasize that in this post as well as in any post I make on EMTBravo, or elsewhere, I am expressing myself as a private citizen, in a non-official capacity. The content of my posts is not being disclosed in my official capacity and such content represents solely my opinions and does not necessarily represent the official position of the city of Yonkers or the Yonkers Fire Department.

    And yes, I realize it would be safer to express myself anonymously, but that is not my style and never will be.

    boca1day and x129K like this

  23. If I may direct a question to Chief Flynn:

    I am curious as why YFD managment has, in my perception anyhow, been so silent on this issue? It seems the Union is carrying the torch, but the folks who run the YFD have not been visible in the media on this issue. I have not seen a statement or release from the YFD on this issue. I do NOT go to Council or budget hearings etc. I have been around long enough to know that the media can only fit so much in a small windown of information, so what I see is for sure NOT the whole picture. But it would seem to me that if Pt care is being threatened, the City Of Yonkers' Fire Department would be there defending it. It is great that the labor organization representing ther YFD members is visible. But again, my own opinion, the public has a so-so view of organized labor unions. I myself OPPOSED Empress becoming Union for that reason. I was an EMS purist and felt opposed to what I felt was the "taint" of a Union. Of course here I am now the Chief Shop steward. Go Figure!

    Would not the First Responder program be better defended by the actual Yonkers Fire Department, rather than the Union, who the public MAY perceive as being more interested in self preservation rather than service preservation? I know there is a new Chief there, and he is known for the success of his soft approach, so maybe the silence is deliberate?

    Helicopper pretty much summed this up. Many people don't realize that 1st Amendment rights (freedom of speech) don't apply to speech, on or off duty, made pursuant to official duties- that is, it owes its existence to the member's or employee's professional duties and responsibilities. Therefore department members may be disciplined for speaking out against department policies in certain situations. Certainly, a Fire Commissioner, who serves at the pleasure of the Mayor and has no contract or union protection, cannot reasonably be expected to openly disagree with the city administration.

    There may be very many statements which have been made in the press that many members of senior management disagree with very strongly, but to openly criticize the policies of the department would possibly subject that individual to discipline. Union Officials, however, have very broad latitude in what they are able to say, which is why serious criticisms of policies, etc. generally come from union leaders, and not the rank and file, or senior leadership. Silence should not be taken as approval however.

    I would like to emphasize that in this post and in any post I make on EMTBravo, or elsewhere, I am expressing myself as a private citizen, in a non-official capacity. The content of my posts is not being disclosed in my official capacity and such content represents solely my opinions and does not necessarily represent the official position of the City of Yonkers or the Yonkers Fire Department.

    redtruck75 and Bnechis like this