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Posts posted by Newburgher

  1. The PD rides with one officer per car usually. The Mayor and a Council Member even attended the rally. The politicians routinely support the criminals more than the PD and FD. Two council members publically, on TV, declared the Officers involved in the shooting guilty, before the investigation even began. The Grand Jury found no wrong doing, but these scumbags continue to demand the Officers lose their jobs. These spineless politicians continually yes them, and let them get away with derailing council meetings, stop traffic, block off whole streets without any kind of consequences.

    This last week, with the two (so far) mob ambushes have resulted in 5 officers injured, a police dog injured by a thrown brick, and several PD cars, a Chiefs's car, and a pumper damaged. The animals stormed headquarters and the police station (same building) and threatened the crews with more violence. No wide spread round-up of these criminals is allowed. The Officers present are, rightfully so, afraid to use any kind of force, and the only person arrested Monday night ( the ringleader) was released and given an apology by the judge as soon as he appeared before the bench. No bail, ROR. Business as usual for this judge, and no way to remove him. This city is in the porceline roller coaster and spinning faster.

  2. Not being too familiar with the operations and manpower availability of that area, other than opservations driving through, I think they would know what's best. Having driven through today, I noticed the Village of WF had a large amount of 3 & 4 story buildings, judging from the air conditioners and shades, occupied on floors. There were even more 2 1/2 story, probably balloon frame houses. Although neither have been updated recently, according to their websites, NHFD had 6 structure fire responses in 3 years. Two were mutual aid, and the remaining 4, they had pictures of three, all in ranch homes. Hughsonville had 41 listed in a 5 years span, with only 10 in their own jurisdiction.

    The point I am trying to make is, WFFD had what looked to me as plenty of "need" for an immediate responding aerial. THe other 2, not so much. While I agree that an TL is a great tool at a strip-mall fire, of which the others had plenty of strip malls, there doesn't seem to be much of that going on in that area. A Fire Department has to evaluate their own area, and purchase what THEY need, not buy stuff just because they have the tax income and want to pad their numbers by doing more mutual aid.

    I would think people hanging out the 3rd and 4th floor windows would be a need for a more immediate availabiltity than a storefront in a strip mall where you are going to set up for master stream only, to save more storefronts from a fire in a building designed to burn to the ground anyway.

    Hope I make some sense, and it's only my opinion.

    billy98988, JetPhoto and x129K like this

  3. So no trucks (moving, delivery, loaded vans, etc.) can legally drive in your city? I find that very unlikely.

    Except local delivery. Taken right from the city codes. I believe they did it years ago to limit tractor trailer traffic. Point is, just because it says 5 ton limit, doesn't mean the street is going to cave in under the weight of your rig.


    Overweight Vehicles

    All trucks, tractors and tractor-trailer combinations having a total gross weight of more than 5 tons are

    excluded from all city streets except on these streets:

    1. Broadway from city line west to Robinson.

    2. Lake Street from city line south to Broadway.

    3. Robinson Ave. from city line north to city line south.

    4. South Street from city line west to Robinson Ave.

    The following three exceptions are also allowed:

    1. The pickup or delivery of merchandise or other property on streets that would be normally excluded,

    provided that the most direct route to and from the nearest truck route is used.

    2. The operation of an overweight vehicle as part of a driver’s test lawfully conducted by the NYSDMV.

    3. The operation of an overweight vehicle while driving it to a test site for a NYSDMV road test

    provided the most direct route to and from the nearest truck route is used.

  4. The only reason I think that this platform would have limited success is on roads with weight limits.

    I don't think road weight limits would matter much. Where I work, and I'm pretty sure all district and cities are like this, the rigs already weigh more than the limits set. In Newburgh, it's 5 tons for all but a handful of streets. Besides, it can't weigh a whole lot more than a regular tower ladder, and it has more foot print to distribute the weight.

    However, to me it just seems like the newest gimmick to sell to fire departments with deep pockets and more money than they know what to do with.

    M' Ave likes this

  5. NYC is NYC. It isn't Newburgh, or any of the other small violent cities up here, with limited manpower and resources. I think the people who work for and make decisions for these departments have researched, and decided what works best. Without knowing where you work, or what you do for a living, I would still bet they know what works better than you do. Maybe my fire department could get by with a couple mini-vans and step ladders and portable pumps. That would be alot cheaper and get better mileage than our aerials and pumpers, but would they work as well? Sometimes efficiency and safety outweigh fuel economy. While I don't know much about the way the PD operates, I trust that they are making the right decisions when it comes to spending money to keep their officers and the rest of us safe in this city.

    helicopper and Pagers like this

  6. It wasn't criticism. It was disbelief that you would be automatically qualified on a Freightliner/Pierce Engine just by getting qualified on a 105' Pierce quint. 2 different animals, not to mention the other rigs you listed. If you want us to picture what you are telling us, how about finishing the picture. I re-read your post, and that is what I gather from what you are telling us.

    antiquefirelt likes this

  7. So, by handling it this way, they certified you could what, drive the biggest rig?

    How about knowing preventative maintenance procedures, tools and equipment carried, where they are carried, and how to set up and operate all tools? How about knowing capacities and limitations of each rig, OAH &OAL? How about amount and types of hosed carried, fittings, etc? Ground ladder lengths and types? Controls in the cabs, troubleshooting?

    Any of this stuff seem important?

    Even identical rigs can have something different, depending on what Company has it, and the neihborhoods it serves as first due.

    sueg and dashield like this

  8. You're going to have to show me one of those. I just bought a negative cable and terminal for an '02 carrera for $45. It was only a few inches long and a single lead; but even a long multiple lead negative from the dealer shouldn't run you hundreds of dollars. Positive Negative. Both for a 2012 Cherokee

    Pretty common car. I know there are other vehicles with battery cables that are more than this. Are the worth it? Who knows. I know if I had an insurance claim, it isn't going to be fixed with some cobbled together part from Auto Zone! I pay my insurance company to fix it like it was before the claim.

    I disconnect the battery connection, once we determine the seats and windows are where we want them, and door locks, trunk release etc. are activated as needed. Disabling the battery connection, de-energizes the air bags. I do the negative, then the positive. If it is unbolted, the cable can unbend, or spring back, and make the connection again. Disconnecting both, is extra insurance. We have gone to tons of MVAs where the airbag didn't, but should have deployed. I even saw one trigger before we got the battery disconnected. Using a wrench is the preffered method. However, we don't waste time trying to track down connections, or messing with compacted( due to impact) battery compartments. Sometimes, the bolt is rounded, the terminals are squooshed into the fender, etc. If we have to, we cut them. I have never had an insurance company "yell at me".

    If the car is drivable, we can reconnect an unbolted terminal.

    efdcapt115 and BFD1054 like this

  9. Plattekill and Coldenham both cover part of the town too. It's a ton of equipment, and every department needs mutual aid to handle even an automatic alarm. Millions in apparatus, and annual budgets, and no guarrantee that a fire truck will come to help if you call for one. Same all over it seems. I understaand noone wants to be the first to give up control, but there is no other way that I see other than consolidation.

    BFD1054, x129K, Bnechis and 2 others like this

  10. All I can say is, watch for what anyone wishes or knows will be the best. The only thing that would be the best in Dutchess County is the Consolidation of ALL FIRE AND EMS into 1 (One) Countywide Fire & EMS Department...

    To those who think they know so much about this specific report and it's findings, that are not even released or known by the department it involves yet, you know nothing about it and basically should

    "KEEP YOUR BIG PIE HOLES SHUT", give the respect of waiting for the report and it's finding to come out at the March 22, 2012, 7pm press release being made at the Town of Poughkeepsie Town Hall on Overrocker Road.

    Thanks for understanding this delicate situation, as it will not only affect the department involved, but it's neighbors and could and should very well lead to what I stated before "COUNTYWIDE FIRE & EMS", since every single department in the county could and would benefit from it then..

    I didn't see anything in any above post that was insulting or telling Fairview how to proceed. What has you set off exactly?

    INIT915, x129K, BFD1054 and 2 others like this

  11. I know of lots of changes since I got into the fire service. Most of the changes for me happened before 2001 however.

    We used to ride back steps, gasoline motored rigs with manual chokes and bias ply tires, no onboard generators. Pump panel throttles were connected by a cable, not electronic. We wore long coats, rubber pullup boots, fireball gloves, no hoods, steel bottle 2216 psi packs with an elephant trunk. Nobody had TIC, PASS alarms, or rechargable handlights and only Chief officers had a portable radio. Acountability systems? Seatbelts? Yeah, right! Bunker pants were a West Coast novelty. Laying a supply line meant 3" hose, single or double lay, depended on how bad the fire looked. This is what I remember since 1986. I know there are guys on here older than me that have seen even more changes in their time on.

    x129K likes this

  12. That guy in the while helmet has ABSOLUTELY no business being on a fire scene....he made me so mad I wanted to punch my computer..LOL

    I had the same thought. I hate seeing videos like this, especially when the people involved in the video think everything was great and make no effort to train and improve for their next opportunity to perform. Career and Volunteer: Same fires, dangers and consequences. If you want to be safe and professional, you need to train like your life depends on it!

    BFD1054, sfrd18, x129K and 1 other like this