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Posts posted by Chkpoint

  1. It would seem Rye Brook should look at legal options.  But Vtach is right why not just take that $1mil and hire the 8 on to the small exisiting career staff RB has now.  How many professional FF does RB have?  Unfortunately if they get a fire or something big they will need mutual aid, but hey in todays Westchester County Fire system everyone calls for MA.  I know its not a solution but RB can start to build a career staff  for a small town.  If they get the big one well they have options close by White Plains, Rye, Harrison.


    Also Pete K is correct there are PC volleys who definitely don't live or work in PC but volunteer.  I have heard sometimes they struggle to get guys to some alarms and engine can't roll.  

    fdalumnus, PeterK and MF237 like this

  2. Buff guy i stated pretty much the same thing on here about a month or two ago.   You could and should merge most of these sound shore departments.  All the points you brought up are valid and as i stated in the previous post you don't need Mamaroneck or PC with 4 or 5 firehouses.  could save a lot of tax dollars.  I mean between Larchmont to PC, all those towns you have about 25 engines alone. Cost of each of those engines and to run and maintain them and then the equipment....well you get the idea.   And as far as experience in these small towns.  Yes granted you don't see a lot of fire but in 10years (amount of time I at least think a volunteer chief should have) I am sure you will see enough fire.  I mean hell every town calls mutual aide lately like you stated and well you gain some experience going in.   I think a career chief probably the way to go and still keep whatever you have as a volunteer crew.   

    somebuffyguy and fdalumnus like this

  3. AFS you are absolutely correct.  Here is the thing the NYPD is a interesting situation and this is what I mean.  You can go to the NYPD and be a patrolman your whole career which is fine and work in the same PCT.  Or you can easily become a boss and climb the ranks and retire from there and go on to do many things with a great salary in your new gig.  Maybe running a department in Westchester or a security firm or head of security for some of the big corporations and so on.  Or you get into a specialized unit as a cop and retire and go make some good money working for one of these bosses now in the private sector.  Maybe driving and doing security for a high profile person.   So much opportunity. Sometimes none of the above I meet cops and they want to do their 20 and move down south, nothing more.   Now NYPD cops make I think now after the total 2% raise top pay is $78k at 5.5 years.  Add on night diff if you work after 4pm and before 7am I think those are the hours. Add holiday pay and longevity you are up to $91-93k. A lot of OT and giving up many days off and you can make $100-110. Or you go to Anytown, NY in the east end or up north and walking in the door the top pay is $105+. And that maybe 5-7or so steps to that top pay Depending where.  You do a hell of a lot less, then NYPD and you don't have to walk the beat or do OT which is always for awful details and working high crime areas on day off from 530pm-2am or 4am. Miss a lot of family time to make that $105k.  But in those towns the opportunities I listed above will not happen forba large majority of cops and majority don't move up in rank because there are 40 cops competing for that 1 Sgt spot.  Yes getting the job is lucky but 75% of NYPD cops maybe even more would leave to go else where especially the past several years.  After getting on in the city you don't feel so lucky anymore.  You are 1 step closer to prison and being on the front page 

    AFS1970 likes this

  4. NYPD now has a 2 year waiting list.  10 years ago you got in, in 2 months.  About 16 years ago Mayor Guiliani had the state change the law on NYPD lateral transfers.  Used to be if you were NYPD and wanted to work out east or north simply go to that department and submit your resume no need to take the towns and villages test.  Now of course you do.  NYPD was losing so many cops to the suburbs they had to do something so they did.  And now recently NYPD pushed the state to pass the law getting reimbursement from towns taking cops with 5years or less.  So to answer your question of better shot? not really.  Getting a job in the towns and villages is like getting the golden ticket in wildly Wonka. 

    fdalumnus, nydude2473, x635 and 1 other like this

  5. Whats interesting is that in Westchester if you created a county wide department, minus Yonkers and New Rochelle. Closed fire houses because some small towns have 4 houses when they probably need 1 or 2. Or you have 2 towns next to each other and Town A fire house sits right on the town line that borders Town B and is closer to respond to areas in Town B but doesn't and Town B firehouse is half a mile or more away. If you consolidated, closed firehouses, got rid of apparatus. Westchester probably only needs 2 Rescues. 1 in the north and 1 in the south. If Manhattan only has 1 then westchester doesn't need more. Towns in the Sound Shore probably can get away with 6 firehouses. Now think about the savings- less apparatus, less firehouses to keep maintaining, the equipment. Thats a lot of savings. Plus in this study did they count the total amount of volunteers? meaning the non active guys? I have nothing against volunteers none at all. But common sense around Westchester is you could probably save millions by consolidating and have response based not on town lines. Taxes are high enough and i just believe this would bring savings. But it will never happen based on many factors.

    FDNY 10-75, nfd2004, BFD1054 and 1 other like this

  6. I see this is a old thread and in just seeing this for first time. Sorry I admit I am one of those that doesn't check this site as often as I once did.

    Something all of you didn't mention is that there are a few single axis ladder trucks in Westchester. Mostly in southern Westchester. Mount Vernon has one that I know of. Town of Mamaroneck if I am correct and Rye has 2. Rye is no higher then 10ft due to low bridges. Single axis helps with turns on tight streets especially turn out of the stations.

    Obviously non of them are quints but are single axel trucks

  7. When I posted about air raid sirens I got really no responses or a little debate of should we bring them back but only for weather emergency. Discussion never got off the ground. Why bother? Honestly after that I am done trying here. Ivan get way better info else where. And Seth not for nothing in the past we have heard about plans for future only to have you ask for money or hear personal issues set you back. I'm sorry to hear some of the things you have gone through. Many people go through a lot. But also sounds like you are holding onto the site for you.

    SRS131EMTFF and dwcfireman like this

  8. This has already been discussed here. Basically a handful of the several hundred registered users actually check this site. FB and Twitter have made the incident alert obsolete on this forum. Social media with quick updates posted under initial post make this forum extinct. And again people left unhappy with the administration running this site so many people said screw it and left and many people followed who agreed. They since started the sites I mention above on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you and don't forget to tip your waitress.

    SRS131EMTFF and SageVigiles like this

  9. Yeah I remember the fire horns. They were used in many towns until about 10 years ago. I don't mind FD horns being used anymore. Technology today allows volunteers to be notified a number of different ways so there is no need for them. I remember those being tested nightly as well. But for storms/ warnings / flood I think this is a good idea to alert the public. Not a daily thing where it would annoy the public, tornado warning especially is dangerous and like everywhere else in US we should have it here. We do get tornados. iE Brooklyn and Hawthorne

    x635 likes this

  10. I have a question. What happened to the old air raid sirens here in Westchester? I remember as a kid noontime on Saturday they went off for weekly test. That ended early 1990's or late 80's? Why not bring it back for tornado warnings? Severe storms seem to happen more and more and it would make sense to bring it back. Sometimes people are not paying attention to smart phone/tv or radio. Especially listening to satellite radio. Just an idea I had. Does it make sense to any of you? Feasible?

    x635 likes this

  11. Very true when the clean house happened many people left after hearing some of the "rumors" as to why. Also agree you post a harmless incident and then the bashing started. So no one wanted to post even a incident anymore. Why would you want to when it came to bashing. And yes one of my last post was in reference to tech rescue and a volly vs career dept response. I don't think I was bashing. More like I would go with 1 over the other because it makes sense.

    210 likes this

  12. I myself stopped checking this site frequently a while ago. When I saw this topic I couldn't agree more. What drove this site in the early years was that buffs (and I say that in a positive way. all of us in emergency service are buffs. Just some little more then others.) was that all fires and big incident were listed. Those of us not near a scanner or too far north or too far south could read updates and get some photos. Now when you have FB and Twitter with up to date fire wires or emergency wire (nyc fire wire, kempter and Westchester fire wire constantly updating from emergency personnel in the field. Especially since smart phones make it easy to check and post on social media, this site died. Majority of people that were here wanted updates on incidents so social media changed that. Then the volly vs career in every topic killed things. Then asking for money and Seth having problems personally and publicly added to it. Many people seem to have a problem with the founder. Many people left and abandoned the site. The list of the usernames is misleading now. A few years ago I messaged and asked to delete my old username and stated why. I got no reply from Seth or any admin after several messages to them. So that sealed it for me and I noticed the decline was in full swing anyway. I created my current name. When I check and see something worth reading maybe I'll post. But more and more to me the site is dead.

  13. New Academy has already opened. Many of the units inside the academy have relocated to new building in Queens. The next class in January was suppose to be the first at the new building but because of the gym floor debacle the Jan class will be in the old building. So by January all training units will be in new building except new class. Only problem with new building so far, no mass transit to get there. One positive of the 20th st location was that you could get there using mass transit from just about everywhere saving on gas and toll money.

    SageVigiles likes this

  14. Bad Box are you a cop? I don't think you are aware of what ESU cops do. They are not patrol cops. They are highly trained cops who can respond to EVERYTHING! As in every major scale emergency. From EDP who is out of control to a jumper hangin from the tallest structure. Bomb scares, hazmat jobs active shooter, terrorist attacks and hostages. The list goes on. They are trained for it all and have the tools to get everyone one of those jobs done. Yes 2 cops ride in that large rig but that rig is met by the smaller ESU trucks and suddenly 6-8 cops are on scene in minutes with a large tool box. If a large scale incident happens this truck will allow extra guys to jump in and gear up. Your post insults law enforcement especially ESU cops who go through one hell of a test to get in that unit and have to be sharp in many aspects of aw enforcement. When a cop is in trouble who do we call? ESU. Who comes after them? No one. There is no one after ESU.

    SOUSGT, 10512, xchief2x and 2 others like this

  15. Same reason I wouldn't want to call County Tech Rescue Team. Nice trucks for a parade can't get out the door when volunteers are coming from all directions in the county. My first call is NR, YO, WP. (In no particular order) for jobs a small town can't handle. County MERV or METU whatever it is, is no different. Not volly bashing and I'm no career guy either but how long are you going to wait? Look no more then a Rye incident a few months back. Not Monday morning QB, just based on time reaponse posted and listening. You can't depend on people having to come from 15-20 min assemble a crew and then respond 20min away. That's 40-45 min. Maybe the MERV will stil be needed that long into operation. Most likely but just insane.

  16. The address on file when you signed up for the test is the address that stays with you for the entire time the list is valid regardless if you move. It does not matter if you move and update your address. The address change on file is only to get in touch with you when/if your list number comes up. If they allowed for address changes to be valid with any or every move it would be unfair. Best of luck.

  17. They have also hired small classes past few years. Although this class and I believe last one were decent in size but sill nowhere near the 1990's class sizes of over 2000+ recruits. All depends my friend but it could be years before you take that oath. 5 years ago no one wanted that job and you could get on in 4 months. Pay was starting 25k. Then new contract with better pay and a sinking economy helped changed that which is good. More competitive