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Posts posted by turk182

  1. OSHA 1910.156(c)(1)



    The employer shall provide training and education for all fire brigade members commensurate with those duties and functions that fire brigade members are expected to perform. Such training and education shall be provided to fire brigade members before they perform fire brigade emergency activities. Fire brigade leaders and training instructors shall be provided with training and education which is more comprehensive than that provided to the general membership of the fire brigade.
    x635 likes this

  2. 3 hours ago, wcr20 said:


    Also - remember that the Town/Village of Harrison, like many other municipalities in Westchester is protected by not 1, not 2, but 3 different fire departments (Harrison, West Harrison, and Purchase)

    Actually it is four different departments.  City of Rye Fire Department is contracted to cover District 3 of the Harrison Fire district.

  3. Even though there's 17 career firefighters, there's only 3 on duty at a time, and they're essentially paid drivers.

    And of the 18 volunteers, most of them probably have 9-5 jobs and aren't around for the majority of calls. I'm sure some of them even have second (or third) jobs, too. Which leaves the question, how many volunteers are responding on average to an alarm? 3? 5? 10?

    Unless there's a huge volunteer on every alarm, the staffing levels are dangerously low.

    "THEY'RE ESSENTIIALLY PAID DRIVERS". You are kidding right! Is that some kind of joke? Besides the fact that calling a career firefighter a " paid driver " is insulting what insight do you have in the Rye Fire Department that allows you to make that statement ?

    Rye's career firefighters are quite often the first firefighters on a scene, what do you think they do when they arrive, sit in the truck and wait for someone else to show up ? In case you are wondering the answer is NO. In 2015 Rye had 12 working fires, in everyone of those fires one of the guys working was on the first line in.

    In 2015 Rye started the year with 18 interior qualified volunteer firefighters by the end of 2015 that number had dropped to 14. In 2016 Rye's interior firefighter list is starting the year with 13 volunteers on it, those 13 will need to complete some very minimal training in order to remain interior qualified. Only time can tell where we will be at the end of 2016.

    The average response in 2016 was 5.58 firefighters per call. Now if you want to drill that down a little. There are approximate 88 days in the year when there will be four firefighters working(due to schedule and vacation). Monday thru Friday the career lieutenant works 9 to 5 and responds to all calls. Additionally anytime there is a incident of any real significance there is a automatic recall of career staff. So that 5.58 is not even real but that is the best number there is to answer your question.

    I am not trying to take anything away from the core group of volunteers we do have, they are a good group of guys that have busy lives outside the firehouse. i am not going to attempt to explain the dynamics of the membership, they are there to provide a service to the community and they do it to the best of there ability.

    Needless to say when the stuff hits the fan we are severely lacking appropriate manpower. The hope would be that the Mayors group takes that into account and takes whatever action may be needed.

  4. Seems a little contradictory to what FF1 was saying .. So that being said how many people would they canvass, and does that mean that everyone has the same chance to being hired ? What do you mean CPAT process has begun, they only do 1 per certain amount of time or is it based off the needs to the hiring jurisdiction? Thanks

    They can canvas as many as they would like to. All the "canvas" is, is a letter asking if you are potentially interested in a job that you may or may not be offered.

    No for one position only the top 3 scores that replied yes to the canvas letter can be hired (Tie scores change that some. If there are eight 100's that all say yes they could chose from any of the eight).

    The process for CPAT has begun, they have already had orientation for people taking the CPAT (they may have already had a practice but I am not sure) The actual CPAT test is scheduled for February.

    CPAT is generally done once or twice a year in Westchester, based around the start of a Fire Academy.

    And before you ask they are allowed to send five people for ever one person they plan to hire to CPAT.

    BFD1054 and x635 like this

  5. they can only interview the 100s as of now. when there are 2 or less 100s remaining on the local list, you will get a canvass letter if there is an opening.

    the way it works is, for each job, they canvass the top 3 scores.

    if there are 3 100's, then all 3 100 are the top 1 2 and 3 in no paricular order

    if there are 2 100s. then the 2 100s are # 1 and 2 and all 95s are #3

    if there is 1 100 and 1 95, then the 100 is #1, the 95 is #2 and all the 90s are #3

    they can hire anyone that is canvassable.

    so in theory given my last example with the 1 100 1 95 and 90s being #3, a applicant with the score of a 90 can be hired over a 100 and or 95

    2 lists ago, there was a applicant on the list that remained on the list and expired on the list with a 100. many 90s were hired over the 100. i don't know the paticulars regarding the situation though

    hopefully that answers your question

    I am not sure that you are 100% correct. I believe you are able to canvas the entire list in order to establish a eligible candidate list.

    As example, Four people score 100 and you canvas just those four people, but it turns out two of them are not interested you would need to do another canvas in order to obtain a list with three names.

    On the other hand if you canvas your entire list you now know in advance who is interested and who is not and you will be able to build your list from that. I do not remember how long you can go before you are required to re canvas the list, but there is a time limit.

    The problem is that like most everything in Westchester County fire service everyone does it different so knowing what is what can be difficult to down right impossible.

    If you have not heard anything yet I would not expect to be canvased for a spring academy, the CPAT process has already started.

    x635 likes this

  6. Personally I like it the way it is.. I do not look at every IA for say New England but when one pops up with that is out of the ordinary I will check it out( same goes for the other regions). As far as posting links to news articles sometimes a incident is missed, so the link provides the best info available at the time.. Maybe add a additional category for just news links. I look at IA posts the same as all other posts if it does not interest me I don't read it, if you don't care about upstate don't read about upstate.

  7. John, well said. I could never understand why automatic mutual-aid was not used as much as it should. As for Westchester, I know a few of the career and combo depts use it almost daily. Depts such as Fairview, Greenville, Hartsdale, Rye, Rye Brook & PCFD rely on it regularly. Personally I think its a good policy. It ensures you have adequate equipment/manpower (especially w/career depts) responding on alarms. It also keeps a good working relationship between Depts.

    Here in Orange County, automatic mutual-aid is a common thing. Many FDs have pre-set M/A for everything from fires to MVAs to auto-alarms. Some may have 1 & 1 coming mutual-aid for reported structure fires or even auto-alarms. Some have m/a rescues for certain MVAs. Many have FASTeams dispatched for any reported/possible structure fires. It seems to work very well up here & could work in Westchester.

    As for EMS...I won't even go there. That's a system that truly needs addressing County-wide in my opinion.

    For the sake of clarity Rye, Rye Brook and Port Chester do not have or use a automatic mutual aid plan. I am not sure what the PC and Rye Brook response would be called, Rye Brook FD is under the control of PC, basically another (career)company in the PCFD. Nothing wrong with or against the idea of Auto Aid it just doesn't happen in PC, Rye, Rye Brook as stated.

  8. The pickup is used by the public works to carry their confined space equipment. All of the public works confined space equipment is stored in the truck 24/7. They(public works) have certain employees trained in confined space. This truck and equipment is totally separate from the FD. Currently it is set up that the FD is notified of any confined space entry by DPW, if it is expected to be a extended entry the FD will be asked to standby on scene. Ladder 25 carries a complete confined space rescue set up. The career staff is trained in confined space rescue, with the volunteers trained in confined space awareness. Public Works and the FD started joint training in 2001 or 2002. In that time training has taken place annually with public works and other neighboring depts. The most recent confined space rescue training was completed in January with a public works foreman and three police officers attending(below is a link to a article in the local rag).


    firedude and efdcapt115 like this

  9. Is there a standard for the proper way to block and create a safe work zone? I have seen it done many ways. The article says one engine was in one lane and the second engine was in another lane. This would leave both engines exposed to a crash. If one engine blocked two lanes by parking diagonally across them wouldn't you accomplish the same thing and only wreck one engine?

  10. Is Rye FD going to send the new FF to Montour Falls? I would think so, seeing as that's probably the only option. We probably broke records with four of us Westchester boys in the 2010-1 class at the Falls.

    I think fingers and toes are crossed that somehow the county has a class. Failing that yes I would think the new guy will be Montour bound(lucky him). He will be the third guy from Rye to go north for school.