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  1. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in Yonkers Fire Department seeks more minority hires
  2. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Does anyone have change for the meter?   
    That meter is only for engine companies.
  3. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by nfd2004 in Get Well Soon nfd2004   
    Thank you for all those kind words. I sure do appreciate it.
    On Monday October 17th I went to a doctor in New London, Ct. I thought that he'd check me out and send me home with a few pills. Instead I was transported to the Lawrence & Memorial Hospital by the New London Fire Dept ambulance. The two fire fighters who transported me each had less than a year on the job. But they sure were Great.
    Word spread that a retired firefighter from nearby Norwich, Ct was taken to the hospital. Those New London, Ct firefighters made it a point to get my car from the doctors office to the more safer firehouse parking lot. One brought in a scanner for me to listen to. They visited me Everyday to check on how I was doing, and offer any assistance they could. Everything from driving me home when the time comes, to helping me with grocery shopping. What a Great Group of Guys. Exactly what this Brotherhood thing is all about.
    My Brothers a little farther to the north from Norwich did the same thing. I had visitors from the dept both Active and Retired. One guy visited me almost Every day. In fact there were two guys that came on the job afer I retired that came down to visit.
    I had a Retired FDNY Captain and his wife stop by to visit. He had worked some of the busiest companies in the FDNY during their busiest so called War Years. A "War Years Warrior". That certainly was an honor.
    My point is that this Brotherhood thing is Alive and Well. From the newest probie to the oldest retiree. Or from city to city. The Brotherhood is Alive and Well. The nurses could not believe the number of firefighters that showed up. I explained to them about this Brotherhood thing.
    And I certainly can Not begin to say how very Greatful I am to those dedicated and highly skilled nurses and aides that cared for me during my eight day stay. We ride by hospitals everyday and in every city in America. From the outside we never really give much thought to it as to the care and compassion that goes on behind those walls around the clock, everyday of the year. I saw those nurses working on a poor guy who was in pain and apparently had a serious speech problem. Those nurses worked on him for a long time and finally he was able to rest. Their skills and knowledge are helping us in our time of need and saving lives everyday. They really are Our Guardian Angels.
    For myself, it is a bit of a kidney issue and a well needed "tune up". I need to go back again for a few test and have a few things taken care of. But I think its just a matter of time when I'll be back in the streets buffing the Bronx again.
  4. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Life in Afghanistan   
    Well it's been awhile since I added anything here so I thought I'd just give a little update on things and maybe spout off a little about some recent developments in this part of the world.
    So first off I'm just back form R&R, starting my 3rd shift back on tomorrow. It was great to get home, be the wife and kids, smell and feel the rain and see things with colors other than tan. My little guy is playing football and my daughter is a cheerleader so weekends were spent watching them on the field. I managed to get home in time for a 9/11 memorial dedication ceremony which was beautiful, and in my travels saw a number of really great ones as well...I must take this opportunity to pass along that I think the one a 5 Company in Stamford is one of, if not the best one I've ever seen...great job guys!!!!!
    That said, we had some interesting incidents just prior to my departure home and a couple since I've been back (10/20). The most notable occured my first shift back when a suicide bomber attempted to detonate a tanker truck of propane at one of the entry points. Thankfully (and quite honestly mercifully) the bomb makers wired the device wrong and it not only exploded prematurely but because it was ill placed it only destroyed the cab and driver (only his feet remained in the cab) of the vehicle. No coalition forces were injured and the propane tank was emptied and then destroyed. This one could have been much, much worse. An assesment by the military concluded that had the device exploded properly niether I nor up to 2500 other people here would be talking to anyone right now. They estimated the blast radius would have easily encompassed a 1/4 of the base. Another note on this: it has been said that the VBIED exploded prematurely because the driver did it early purposely. Why you might ask? Well becuase his family was being held hostage to force him to carry out the attack. I saw this many times in Iraq and find it to be quite plausible. Whether that's true or he was just an idiot either way this guy saved hundreds if not thousands of thank you Mohammed.
    Another noteworthy event took place just short of my R&R when an incoming rocket hit a wooden schoolhouse used by the kids of locals that work on base. No children were in the building at the time. A rocket hit it square and it was engulfed upon our arrival send a huge plume of black smoke int the morning sky. An adjacent wooden building roughly 100X50 (exposure 1) was also involved upon arrival. The schoolhouse was a total loss but we did save the exposures. A job well done by the boys who, in addition to the heat, regular turnout gear and dust, also had to contend with our body armor for the duration as it was a while before the all clear was given.
    And the day I was leaving another suicide bomber on the North side met his maker before he managed to blow himself (and more importantly any of us) to Allah thanks to the quick work of our Force Protection guys. Along with that is the usual 3 to 5 calls a day and incoming on a fairly regular basis as described earlier here.
    September and October have brought about some interesting and to me potentially disturbing changes to the landscape over here in the Middle East. As I'm sure we all know by now the world is rid of Moammar Khadafiy. I for one am as happy as pie at that outcome, but what baffles me is the calls for an investigation into his death. What's to investigate?... a murderous barbaric dictator got what was coming to him from his own people. Who cares if he had a trial or not in a world court...he had a trial on the spot, was sentenced and the sentence was carried out...bye bye Moammar and good riddance!! Another rather profound change is the recent announcement of the removal of all U.S. combat troops from Iraq. Now on this I'm not so sure we're taking the right path. I know a pledge was made by our President and he is in fact adhering to a tentative timetable set by his predecessor, but in reality folks the Iraqis are in no position to survive without us there. Ok so some may say so what screw them anyway...and that's one option. But I take a slightly different view on it. We have spilled the blood of thousands of American service members (and some civilians too) on that soil. Do we now just walk away and let their sacrifice be in vain as the country degenerates into chaos once again until Iran steps in. One may not agree with why we were there in the first place, but we would be safer in the long run to keep a presence there awhile longer if you ask me. And as far as this place goes, well I don't see us pulling out in 2014 but of we do it will most lilely be another mistake as this cradle of the taliban will once agin become a breeding ground and save haven for terrorists. Which brings me to the latest statement from that squeaky clean, most upstanding poster child of the incorruptable politician, Hamid Karzai. This "President" of Aghanistan has publically stated that in the event of a war between Pakistan and the U.S., he would side with Pakistan. So much for loyalty huh boys and girls? This POS seems to forget that he exists only because we, in an effort to promote self determination, let him. But hey judging from what I've seen the Afghan National Army is not a real source of worry on the battlefield...except maybe to each other. One more opinion if I may....Pakistan is a powder keg waiting to blow my friends. It is from there that the majority of this war's "freedom fighters" have emerged. They have been playing both sides for years and with the death of Osama and Karzai's statements relations between us are becoming more and more strained each day. I fear things will get worse before they get better in this part of the world and hope that all of you will stand in support our Nation if these troubles increase. Hey if the Mayans and Hollywood are right and 2012 is the end I'm sure it is right here that the end will start...this part of the world is as f****ed up as it gets.
    Stay safe
    and thanks for all you all do on the homefront (especially my Belltown Boys AtW since 1928)
  5. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by Newburgher in City of Newburgh (Orange) - 3rd Alarm Fire 10-23-2011 Discussion   
    492 Broadway, near West Street. We are open for business as usual! Of course, all you guys that came out to support us helped keep it that way! Must have been out on a run.
  6. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by PFDRes47cue in City of Newburgh (Orange) - 3rd Alarm Fire 10-23-2011   
    Date: 10-23-2011
    Time: 20:30
    Location: 488 Liberty Street
    Frequency: NFD Dispatch [154.205]; 36-Control [46.16]
    Units Operating: City of Newbugh FD [Car 1, Car 4, Engine 1, Engine 2, Engine 10, Truck 1, Truck 10]; Stewart-ANG FD [FAST]; Vails Gate FD [Car 4, R480 as FAST]; New Windsor [Car 2, Engine 446]; Middle Hope FD [?]; Cornwall-on-Hudson FD [Truck 413]; Mobile Life [2 ALS units, Rehab Unit]
    Units Relocated: Winona Lake FD [Car 2, Engine 322] to Newburgh Public Safety Building; Marlboro [Car 38-2, Engine 38-10] to Middle Hope Station 2; Cornwall-on-Hudson FD [Truck 413]; Salisbury Mills [Car 3, Engine 560] to New Windsor FD; Coldenham FD [Truck 205] to the Newburgh Public Safety Building.
    Weather Conditions: Chilly
    Description Of Incident: Working fire in a 3-story OMD (see below for exposures). Heavy fire on the #2 & #3 floors. Aggressive interior attack was initiated on arrival. Companies were later ordered to evacuate the building. Companies re-entered the building for overhaul. NFD re-called members to staff the reserve Engine 10 and Truck 10. Both NFD Trucks (1 & 10) were set up and operating on the #4/D side of the structure. Stewart-ANG FD was the 10-75 FAST team but was then put to work, Vails Gate FD was requested as the new FAST. Fire placed U/C @ 21:31 by 36-13.
    Reporter: Eric12401, BFD1054
    Writer: PFDRes47cue
    Exposure 1: Street
    Exposure 2: Similar OMD (separated by approximately 5 feet)
    Exposure 3: Rear Yard
    Exposure 4: Street
    20:38 - Vails Gate FAST requested to the scene.
    20:40 - IC requesting two additional engines to the scene.
    20:41 - Marlboro (Ulster Co.) requested for one engine to relocate to Middle Hope FD Station 2.
    20:42 - Winnona Lake FD one engine to the Newbugh Public Safety building and New Windsor FD one engine to the scene.
    20:50 - "All units operating, evacuate the building"
    20:50 - Marlboro FD E38-10 responding.
    21:05 - Cornwall-on-Hudson requested to relocate to the scene and to locate behind Middle Hope FD engine as per IC.
    21:06 - Coldenham FD requested for one truck to relocate to the Newburgh Public Safety building.
    21:06 - IC requesting a 3rd alarm.
    21:09 - Salisbury Mills FD requested to send one engine to New Windsor FD.
    21:31 - IC places the fire U/C.
    21:44 - 36-13 requesting Red Cross to the scene for 13 adults.
    22:20 - IC reporting that Red Cross is on scene.
  7. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by billy98988 in City of Newburgh (Orange) - 3rd Alarm Fire 10-23-2011 Discussion   
    it was a multiple family dwelling.
    all of the occupants appeared to be older and not students of MSMC.
    the newer dorms of the college overlooked the incident.
  8. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by BCFire05 in BCFD - Brush 5, and Marine 1   
    1st picture is Bridge City Vol. Fire & Rescue Brush 5. Same picture featured.....figured I'd add it just cause It's one I have at the moment, took it the other day out of boredom .
    The next set of pictures is BCFR's new Marine 1. 1st few are from delivery day. All pictures from my Droid X. It's a custom built aluminum boat with twin 150's counter rotating, a radar / sonar system. 2 remote spot lights. and 4 roof vent fans. We just got it in a few months ago. Great boat. It was built by Lobell's Custom Boats in Louisiana. It's the first boat they've ever built for an emergency service. It also has two 6 foot wide doors on each side that drop down for a dive / rescue platform.
    From order to delivery took about 6-8 weeks.
    We also just got in a Ford f-450 that will be used mainly for towing the boat. It was delivered yesterday. As soon as we get the striping done and emergency lighting installed I'll have pictures for it.

  9. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by RWC130 in Photos - Tour of Gamewell Fire on 10/14/11   
    On Friday October 14, 2011 I was invited to tour the Gamewell-FCI facility in Westwood, Massachusetts
    with some guys from my Gamewell Fire Alarm Box Group on Facebook. "TR54" and I had a great time!
    Below are some photos I took that I wanted to share with EMTBravo
    (I do apologize the photo quality is not the best - taken with a Blackberry)

    This is a brand new cast iron shell just off the line made for the NYC Subway System

    If you would like to join my Gamewell Fire Alarm Box Facebook Group below is the link:!/groups/gamewellfirealarmbox/
    I do have another tour in the works for April at a Gamewell facility in Connecticut that
    I might open up to some EMTBravo members who are genuine Gamewell collectors and enthusiasts
    If you ever had a Gamewell system 10 years ago or 100 years ago they still have the Keys
    City of Peekskill, New York

  10. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by nfd2004 in Student/Resident/Live-in Firefighter   
    I have read all the above post. I know and certainly respect what each guy has told you. I am friends with a few and they have been there and done that. But just as it was in the firehouse during my time on the job, we would sometimes disagree.
    I think its Great that you would like to get your degree. BUT, there are many more things that you can do Right now to get that firefighter job, before getting that degree.
    First file and take every firefighter test you can.
    Most places require a current CPAT card. You need to keep that up.
    Get your EMT or better yet, your medic cert. Some places are looking to hire EMTs and Paramedics. BUT, you better be willing to work as a paramedic and keep up your skills. That may not be too easy to do if your not into that kind of work.
    A few have mentioned about housing for students if you spend some time at the firehouse doing calls. Thats a Great idea, but don't focus on the Fire Degree yet.
    Sounds simple, but pick up one or two of those Firefighter Entrance Exam books. Degree or no degree, if you don't score high enough on the written exam, you won't have a chance at getting the job.
    Some places now have Recruit School. I know in Connecticut they have a 14 week course that isn't easy, but you can maybe put yourself through. Some places in an effort to save money are making that a requirement to be able to take the test.
    Remember, you are looking to become a "Probationary Firefighter" not a Chief. If you get on the job, certainly a degree would help you with any promotion. But for you, thats a ways off yet.
    Talk to some of the newer guys that are on the job now. I'm sure they will be able to help you too. Keep yourself in Excellent physical health and have yourself a back up plan in case things don't work out. And certainly stay out of trouble.
    (And George, I got your PM).
  11. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by firedude in Is New York State Police using un-marked cars   
    To answer your question... No. In 1996, then Governor George Pataki issued an Executive Order prohibiting the New York State Police from using unmarked vehicles to conduct routine traffic stops. Governors Spitzer, Paterson and Cuomo, have since kept the executive order in effect.
    S289-2009: Prohibits the use of unmarked police vehicles to routinely stop motorists for vehicle and traffic law violations, with exceptions
  12. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by abaduck in The Moral Background Of Our Chiefs And Commisioners   
    In this country you are 100% INNOCENT until convicted by a jury. 'guilty but never charged' is an oxymoron. That's the way it is. Like democracy itself, it's sometimes a lousy system - but it's FAR better than any of the alternatives. What do you want? Mob rule? Conviction by accusation? Star chamber? Lynching?
  13. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in Keeping it Professional   
    With due respect to the staff,
    Before the topic was locked, there was some measure of displeasure with the post from the site's founder regarding one-liners and inflammatory comments, with a poster saying the site has lost it's balls and the members need thicker skin.
    It's not a matter of the site "losing it's balls" or members who need "thicker skin", it's about keeping the site educational, a positive environment, and most of all, PROFESSIONAL. Sometimes we need to remember that "we" (emergency service members) are not the only ones who read the content contained in these forums. I'm sure there are enthusiasts, members of local government, members of the media, and so on who read the content contained in these forums. While it's all good to banter amongst each other as if we were in the firehouse, precinct, quarters, or whatever you would like to call it, we still have to maintain some level of decorum and professionalism just as if we were present in a public place, since this board is easily viewed by members of the general public, and more importantly the media. Case in point;
    The NYPD Rant for those who's haven't read it is full of so much garbage since there is little to no moderation, it's not one bit enjoyable to read from an educational standpoint. If anyone outside the NYPD read the material in that forum, the useless bantering of a few sets a bad precedence and honestly depicts the members of the NYPD in a very negative light. The media reported today on a thread contained in the NYPD Rant website about posters who posted personal attacks against an NYPD member. As a civilian reading that article, what kind of opinion do you think the "average Joe" will have of the Rant and the members of the NYPD?
    So in order to keep this site from becoming another "rant style" website, there needs to be a level of moderation that suits the wishes of the site's founder, since it is ultimately his call on what is and what is not permitted. If any of us don't like it, we are all free to start up our own site where anything goes and all the members can brag over who has the biggest balls. Personally, I'll stick with the site that's an educational portal as well as promotes and exhibits the professionalism of emergency service providers.
  14. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by MESS11FOREVER in Chelsea Fire District Wet Down   
    These guys like any other volunteer firemen risk there lives everyday for nothing, let them have there fun for 3 hours
  15. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by TAPSJ in Chelsea Fire District Wet Down   
    I Guess You Can't Have Fun Or Be Happy About Improving The Safety Of The Community Without Someone Having A Problem With It!!! Congrats To The Men And Women Of The Chelsea Fire Department And To The Mutual Aid Companies On The New Rig. Enjoy It And Use It Well!!! See You On The Big One!!!
  16. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by EMTbravo in   
    We're proud to announce our newest website and endeavor,
    We hope to use this site to bring EMTBravo back to it's roots. On this site, you'll find a simple listing of benefit and charity events, training and seminars, and other relevant news, events, and information in a simple, easy to read format.
    To submit news or an event, please email:
    We hope you like our newest endeavor!
    Seth G.
    Executive Director
    The EMTBravo Group
  17. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in What Really Hurts Fire Departments   
    I've been giving some thought on some of the comments on not only Yorktown's recent fire, but other incidents and want to share my thoughts.
    Ten years ago, many of us were getting along fine, making do with what we had at our disposal in terms of manpower. Most fire departments would handle a single family dwelling fire with little to no Mutual Aid. Was it because we all had an abundance of manpower? I don't think so.
    Many people like to get on the "manpower soapbox" all too often to explain their dwindling firehouse numbers, yet it can generally correlate to other contributing factors that many don't admit to, or even recognize.
    1. Poor leadership. Many people in the volunteer fire service are giving their time to the FD while balancing their family duties, jobs and other commitments. Most guys and gals join either to be an integral part of their community and/or to become part of a social club. When your leadership is doing it's job (leading when leading is needed, being fair and balanced, treating everyone with respect, making everyone feel safe and accpeted) then the troops feel better about themselves and the department they've joined. I've been in my department since I was an Explorer (1992) and have seen AWESOME LEADERS (Chiefs and Company Officers) and sadly, we've had a few too many crappy ones. If you can lead your troops when they need leading and you can motivate them by making them feel a sense of ownership in their company/department, then they'll give that extra effort.
    2. Lack of Training Availability. So many of us strive to be the best departments we can be, and this means a lot of training. We've grown from doing roughly one drill per month to offering 4-5 different training venues every month. Since everyone has crazy schedules, you need to be flexible. Having just one drill night isn't going to cut it. Also, training that we are all required to have isn't always made easily accessible. I don't fault WCDES for the lack of some courses - I lay blame on OFPC (or whatever acronym they use now). Why can't volunteer fire departments have an MTO? In our own department we have a half dozen NYS and/or National Fire Service Instructors and we're being under utilized. We had a good thing going for a couple of years where one of our guys was granted a "supplemental CFI" status and was providing in-house OFPC classes, such as HMFRO, HMFRO Annual Refresher, Confined Space Awareness & Safety, Scene Support Operations and others that you just don't see often enough. Losing this has hurt our training program, and now it costs us more money to outsource and bring instructors in. In a nutshell, the current system sucks.
    3. Personal Agendas. I've seen a couple of Chiefs (not just in our FD but around the county) that get elected with an agenda of their own. In order to get what they want, they start cutting funding for certain things, they lie to everyone and worst of all - they let the department's members suffer. For example, if your Chief is up in your commissioners officer / town hall lying to them about what your members need simply to make themselves look good - that will come back to the guys/gals and ruin their ambition to be a part of your department.
    I know I may sound like a broken record, but it really does come down to how your department is run, from the top down. If your Chief can't run a scene, the guys lose faith in them. If your Captain can't be bothered with drill night because of his softball games, how are the guys in the trenches expected to show any initiative? And if all the guys walking around with collar brass don't take the time to guide, mentor and lead their men/women - kiss it all goodbye.
    These things have major negative impacts on your department's performance call after call. You might get 40 guys in line at a parade, but how many of them can honestly remember the last time they got out of bed at 2am for a CO call?
    Leadership makes/breaks fire departments - we can blame it on anything else we want, but this simple truth is what hurts so many of us.
    Stay safe & train often.
  18. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by wraftery in Hazards with "Hoarders"   
    After 34 years OTJ, I can tell you there are many, many more Collyers Mansion places out there than you would tend to think. The ones on the TV show are mild cases compared to what you might respond to.
    My first was as a FF. It was an ordinary multiple dwelling, six floors, open stairs, fire reported on about floor 3. We forced the door at the lock side, but it refused to swing. One FF reached around the door to feel for a possible victim and felt furniture. We went to the hinge side and when that side was free the door still stood there. We managed to get the door out into the hall and my partner started passing furniture to me so the hose line could advance. Things were getting a little touchy at this point since the fire was growing fast and we had no way to control the doorway.
    After we removed maybe a room and a half of furniture, my partner and I started a search and the hose line went to the fire. I remember not being able to crawl because the floor was COVERED with booze bottles that rolled as you tried to crawl across the floor. I felt what appeared to be a doorjamb. I felt clothes up at about 3 ft off the floor and shoes on the floor beneath the clothes. OK, it's a closet. I'll move forward til I hit the other door jamb. Next thing I know iI was feeling a couch and coffee table. What happened to what I thought was a closet? I completely lost my bearings.
    The hose team bumped into the victim as they advanced, also sliding on the bottles. They passed the victim to us and we were 1...2...3... yanking her toward the door as the bottles piled up into a mound. The more we moved the higher the mound got. I finally took my flashlight, look at her signs of life from about 2 inches away because that's the visibility allowed. I pronounced her dead, pulled my mask out from my chin so I could be heard, and announced her death to the Chief who was outside the door. The answer back was to "get on the fire."
    The cleanup after the fire found she had over 500 bottles in a 1-bedroom apartment. Not only was she a hoarder, but a recluse and alcoholic. Sadly, there was a picture on a table that was charred pretty badly, but you could make out the form of a Firefighter.
    So, back to business. What can you expect when you discover you've got a Collyer's Mansion? Anything.
  19. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by hudson144 in Hazards with "Hoarders"   
    With the recent show Hoarders and some recent fires locally it wouldn't be a bad idea to discuss the hazards you might encounter when you are called to the structures packed with years of items. Collyers mansion in a nut shell is about a home in nyc occupied by 2 brothers who hoarded anything and everything. Conditions that were so bad that firefighters had to tunnel their way through the home. Lets use this as a training thread and bring out some points to ponder!
  20. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by nfd2004 in Condolences to Willy D (nfd2004)   
    Thank you to all. My wife Helen, who I called "Pumpkin" gave up her battle with lung cancer on Saturday morning Oct 1, 2011. She was such a good wife. Very mellow and low keyed. To this day, she looked the same way she did when I married her on Oct 9, 1976. Even after all those chemo and cancer treatments, she could still pass for a beautiful 25 year old. She just never aged.
    Our first date was on Valentines Day, February 14, 1975. We went to see a new movie out about a high rise fire called "Towering Infernio". I told her that I was on the list to get on the fire dept. But I really don't think she was too impressed.
    Our second date, I had to stop back home because I had forgotten to take the tickets for the show we were going to see. I invited her in for a few minutes and she talked with my mother. Later when I came home, she said to me "that's the girl you're going to marry". She was right and we would have celebrated our 34th Wedding Anniversary on Oct 9th.
    "Pumpkin" was an Angel. She died peacefully at Backus Hospital in Norwich, Ct. Those nurses were the Greatest.
  21. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by NurseMedic in Private Ambulance Dispatcher/Call Taker (Putnam County)   
    What's the problem? It's an ad, no different from the classifieds or the back of a trade magazine.
    If they are hiring sight unseen solely off an email response, then yes, I agree that is cause for concern. I would think, however, that they would do their due diligence and bring respondents in for an interview, perform background checks, etc.
    And no, I do not work for whatever company this is purported to be.
  22. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by x129K in Dispatcher Pay so low   
    Meh....;not bad...they have archery teams too?
    But an EMS dispatcher will never be on the recieving end of a "FOOT PURSUIT!" or a "Gimme a Second Alarm!"
  23. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Fire Service Based EMS - IAFF Video   
    So which is it the IAFF or the Department that wants it? They are not one and the same and often they are on opposite side of many issues. NYS has 100 depts that are career or combo and only about 6 provide ALS. I dont think you have studied this enough.
    Who are you to determine what a community should think is valuable and is willing to pay for?
    All of Florida "forces" everyone to be FL. firefighters to get hired or promoted, does that make for a down grade in firefighters?
    So you've inteview all these ff's and determined this? I've been a paramedic and an instructor for over 25 years (firefighter & officer for similar), but my agency is BLS. I became a medic because I wanted to. My medic training makes me a better fire officer and my fire training makes me a better medic.
    I know many depts that its highly competative to even get into medic programs.
    I also know a number of non fire based medics, that are burned out, or want to be an RN, Cop, FF and the medic will be dropped when they get there. The medic is just to pay the bills for now (some are good and some are not....and many are forced by Mommy & Daddy because they need a job).
    Then how can you make claims about the entire fire service? Since the majority of EMS in the US is fire based and has been that way for 40 or more years when is this padding going to have any effect?
    Yes you are clearly a newbie and reading a bunch of articles maybe only has given you a small view of whats really out there.
    So its better to provide it for profit like the big commercial services?
    BTW, I'm not pissed off, Its common to see inexperienced people try to prove a point here.
  24. billy98988 liked a post in a topic by eric12401 in Milton (Ulster) - 4th Alarm Structure Fire - 10/02/11   
    Date: 10/02/11
    Time: 18:26
    Location: Brooklyn Bottling Company, 643 South Rd.
    Frequency: 33.48, 46.46, 45.88
    Units Operating: Milton FD, Marlboro FD, Highland FD, Middle Hope FD (Orange Co.), Clintondale FD, Plattekill FD, Esopus FD, New Paltz FD, City of Kingston FD, Ulster Hose FD, Port Ewen FD, Modena FD, East Kingston FD, UCFIU, Mobile Life Support, Town of Marlboro PD
    Weather Conditions: Cloudy, cool
    Description Of Incident: Fire started by an air compressor in the building.
    Writer: eric12401
    18:26 - Milton respond for a structure fire.
    ~18:28 - Car 37 on scene reporting a working structure fire.
    18:33 - 2nd alarm being transmitted.

    Marlboro 1 engine and 38-60 to the scene.
    Highland 1 engine and 1 ladder to the scene.
    City of Kingston Haz-Mat 1 to the scene.
    UCFIU with investigators to the scene.
    Mobile Life with 1 ambulance to the scene.

    18:36 - 3rd alarm transmitted. Milton with all available manpower to the scene.
    18:38 - Marlboro 2nd alarm transmitted for all available manpower to the scene.
    18:40 - Highland 2nd alarm transmitted for all available manpower to the scene.
    18:40 - Middle Hope with 1 ladder to the scene. Clintondale relocate 1 engine to Milton's firehouse.
    18:44 - Plattekill with 1 engine to relocate to Marlboro's firehouse.
    18:47 - Esopus with manpower to the scene.
    18:49 - New Paltz 1 engine to relocate to Highland Station 1.
    18:50 - Plattekill 47-10 responding to Marlboro. Esopus 27-10 responding
    18:53 - Middle Hope ladder en route. City of Kingston Haz-Mat 1 assembling with 8 personnel. Mobile Life SORT en route for standby.
    18:54 - City of Kingston emergency order-back for personnel.
    18:55 - Haz-Mat 1 en route. Mobile Life 291 on scene.
    18:56 - Ulster Hose with their FASTeam to the scene. City of Kingston Car 2 responding.
    18:58 - Ulster 911 reporting to Milton command that someone may be trapped in the building.
    19:01 - Esopus 2nd alarm transmitted for all available manpower to the scene. Port Ewen 1 engine relocate to Esopus.
    19:04 - Modena with 1 engine to relocate to Milton's station.
    19:05 - Clintondale relocating to the scene.
    19:10 - Plattekill 47-10 relocated.
    19:12 - City of Kingston 1 additional personnel needed for order back.
    19:22 - Haz-Mat 1 arriving.
    19:25 - Esopus 27-12 requested and responding to the scene.
    19:42 - Car 56 on scene.
    19:44 - East Kingston requested with their mobile cascade unit to the scene.