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Boston Hires 49 Military Vets They "get It"

15 posts in this topic

That is fantastic! Best of luck to the new recruits. BFD has just gained some extremely well deserving "probies."

This should happen more across the country.

jack10562 and BFD1054 like this

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I agree also. I also think that if your parent was kill in the line duty you should be able to have the job if you want, once you complete the background and physical bunch of my friends are getting screwed by the city and the judge

efdcapt115 and BBBMF like this

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This is nice to see, there should be more of it.

Now, and I can't discern from the article, were these guys hired solely due to their veterans status, or it was a coincidence that the top 49 guys on the list happened to be veterans?

Either way, nice work on behalf of the city.

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I can't think of a more deserving preferred candidate hiring pool. Way to go!

BFD389RET likes this

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I agree also. I also think that if your parent was kill in the line duty you should be able to have the job if you want, once you complete the background and physical bunch of my friends are getting screwed by the city and the judge

Which is why I also Posted That Boston also recently Appointed The daughter of Lt Kevin Kelly assigned to ladder 26 who was Killed In the line of duty returneing from a run, the brakes on the apparatus failed, Crashed into a building Killing the Loo. who was Known from the Tv series In the 90's featuring The BFD., I personally considered taking the FAO test up there to at least hone some rusty skills, But I'm glad of the outcome... And for "INIT" Not 100% sure myself, going strickly by the Media article.. though I'm Sure contact with the Training division could define if not answer you query. My point In posting this is for all the Bad thats going on Nationally, Wisconsin, North Las Vegas, California , Scranton PA., Detroit Michigan and More,. Its Nice to see the Boston, Is Not "average" but well above average

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  • This should be the "Norm" instead of ther "Exception"! Way to go BFD, if only Depts. around here would follow this Policy instead of hiring every Tom, Dick and Harry off the street who have no work ethics, discipline , integrity and most of all a decent head on their shoulders. Then again I don't believe BFD has lowered its Standards too much like surrounding FD's. I'm sure these recruits will do just well.

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It used to be (30 yrs ago) 5 extra points for Vets and 10 extra for Disabled Vets. I wonder if that isn't a better system for getting the most qualified people. Maybe even 10 and 15 extra points since the military background is a great advantage for discipline, experience, and work ethic. But a veteran with a 70 over a civilian or non-deployed reservist with a 100 isn't the best deal for the public.

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It used to be (30 yrs ago) 5 extra points for Vets and 10 extra for Disabled Vets. I wonder if that isn't a better system for getting the most qualified people. Maybe even 10 and 15 extra points since the military background is a great advantage for discipline, experience, and work ethic. But a veteran with a 70 over a civilian or non-deployed reservist with a 100 isn't the best deal for the public.

The first thing is a "Non - Deployed Reservist" (meaning never deployed after basic and advanced training to a hazardous duty / hostile fire zone or on active duty) is not classified as a "Veteran". Reservists that have only attended training, and never deployed or entered active duty do not receive points or other benefits (Civil Service) currently as the system is set up in most if not all states. A veteran is defined as one who has served honorably on active federal duty for more then 90 days for other then training. Not everyone in the military is cut out to be Infantrymen. I think the same holds true with the fire service, not everyone in the military is cut out to be a firefighter. Hell we have firefighters that aren't cut out to be firefighters.

What most people don't know is the unemployment rate for our returning veterans is 14-18 percent (DOL stats). This is accepted as a low figure, its most likely closer to 20-25 percent. These men and women are our nations most presious resource, your sons, daughters brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers. They stood up and raised their right hand and served in harms way when the nation called. With the best of intentions they are returning to there lives changed forever from what ever they endured. Some have sacrificed their lives, other their health and countless others presious time away from their families that they will never get back (missed birth of a child, birthdays, graduations and holidays) many have deployed more the 6 times. Its not easy to be told you can't go home because the team needs you. So if a veteran gets hired over another non-veteran by what ever system they use I vote yes for it. And I can't be sure but I'll bet none of them scored a 70 to get on the job. Yes some cities gets it, most do not. I tip my hat to the city of Boston and thank them for looking out for the next greatest generation.

Capejake72 and TimesUp like this

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Well that veteran with a 70 who eventually becomes the seniorman will be in charge when he comes to your house. Additional points definitely, absoulute preference, not a good idea.

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No, he won't. The LT would be in charge, and I'd still thank him for his service.

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I took the Mass Civil Service Exam for Firefighter test back in the 90's. At the time of the test, you had to list 4 cities/towns you wanted your score released to. I listed Boston, Springfield, Worchester?, and Chelsea. From Boston I received notification that I was #800 on the "Veteran, non-minority, non-resident list". Needless to say I was never reached on that list. The first list was "Veteran, minority, resident", the 2nd list was "veteran, non-minority, resident", and so on. Maybe someone else can correct me, but I also believe Boston has a residency requirement for new hires that require them to live in the city while employed by the city. Chelsea MA reached me on their list and offered a conditional appointment but it never panned out.

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The process for cities and towns that use civil service here in MA still has you choose 4 cities/towns. Yes, Boston has a residency requirement to be hired. If I remember correctly, I haven't looked at my scores/rankings recently, the breakdown is as follows, name: hiring prefence, ie son/daughter of LODD/: resident/non-resident: veteran/non-veteran, and EMT/EMT-P certification yes or no. You are listed by your score and how you fit into the previous areas. MA is in the process of changing their civil service ranking system. I think this is how it is listed but I can't check to be sure, sorry. I have heard that being an EMT-P can help you get hired without veteran status. Boston PD has a similar ranking. Boston EMS allows you to be a non-resident at time of hire but you have to live in the city within 6 months of hire.

Edited by DWC295

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At the present time, under the terms of our most recent CBA with the city, members are required to maintain residence in the City of Boston for a period of 10 years. Following that you may live anywhere you want to, provided you have a valid MA driver's licence. Neither EMT-B nor EMT-P grants you any preference in hiring for the city. The Consent Decree that held that for every Caucasian candidate hired a minority candidate must also be hired was thrown out as of November 1, 2002. My class (Appointed 10/31/02) was the last class to fall under both the consent decree & the lack of an upper age limit. Presently the age limit is 32, up to 36 if you have 4 years of active duty military service. Hiring preference for the Fire Department in MA is as follows:

1. Sons or daughters of members killed in the Line of Duty

2. Disabled Veterans

3. Sons or daughters of members permanently disabled in the Line of Duty (retired at least 1 year)

4. Veterans

5. Widows or widowed mothers of veterans killed in the line of duty

6. Everybody else

Source: MGL Ch 31 Sec 26

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