
Village Of Port Chester Disbands Career FD

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42 minutes ago, Quickness said:

Unfair to characterize all the officers of PCFD. Many were kept in the dark about this.


Appears to be a foregone conclusion that MOST of the officers, along with the volunteer force, had no idea what the three cheeses, I mean chiefs, were orchestrating.

Edited by fdalumnus

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Correct on who to blame. No one but those THREE CHIEFS.


Regardless of how any other members of these departments felt about this subject, it is solely the responsibility of those chiefs. As the leaders of the fire service, it is up to those chiefs to make the right decision based on what is best for its members and the public. "Those THREE CHIEFS Own this - NOBODY else". They had the final say. They made the choice. They are responsible. Not anybody else.


 However, it is up to the entire membership to realize just what these individuals did. They put YOU and the CITIZENS at a GREATER RISK in making this decision. It is up to the membership to make that perfectly clear to both the political leaders and the citizens as well. There is no denying it that without these eight career firefighters, EVERYONE could suffer. Any knowledgeable Chief would certainly go AGAINST this kind of decision and then let the cards fall as they may.


I hope these chiefs are fully aware of just how this entire matter backfired on them. I also hope if there are other chiefs out there who have considered this kind of action, perhaps they should RECONSIDER.


 By making this choice, these THREE CHIEFS have not only let those eight Port Chester Firefighters down, but also its entire volunteer membership and the people who live and work in that town.

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3 of the 6 of the village board are removed from office on Friday  after it was found out that they did not sign there oath of office after there election on March 15 . They had 30 days to do so . Gee I wonder how they found out ?

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As I read through this entire thread it now appears that these eight firefighters should have never lost their jobs. Those jobs were apparently unjustly taken away without cause.


My suggestion to those firefighters would be to ban together and seek legal justice through their own attorney representing this group. I'm sure they would also have the backing of the IAFF as well as other departments.


It appears that many in the volunteer organization also would be willing to back them. A show that the Brotherhood is still Alive and Well in today's fire service. 


This type of behind closed doors activity can not be tolerated. As you read this, those Eight innocent victims of these chiefs are wondering what will be next. They were punished for no reason at all.


And those three chiefs apparently didn't care who they hurt or who would suffer, including the citizens and their own volunteer firefighters. Now we also see that three of the Six Board Members never accepted the responsibilities they were assigned to do.


Port Chester needs to bring those firefighters back to work. And as I see it Port Chester owns them what they should have never lost in the first place.

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While we're on the topic- How does Rye Brook FD operated?  I understand they are a 7 to 7 operation.  How many FF's are on the dept? How many are on at a time?  How many runs per year?  Why don't they operate 24/7?

Edited by babhits16

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And look what just popped up per News 12 Westchester



Fire chief accused of telling men to damage firefighter’s home

May 25, 2016 5:15 PM


News 12 has obtained audiotape that allegedly captures Port Chester Volunteer Fire Chief Edward Quinn encouraging his men to vandalize the home of a professional firefighter from Harrison. (5:41 PM)


PORT CHESTER - A Port Chester fire chief is accused of telling his men to damage another firefighter's home.

News 12 has obtained audiotape that allegedly captures Port Chester Volunteer Fire Chief Edward Quinn encouraging his men to vandalize the home of a professional firefighter from Harrison.

The audiotape is filled with laughter, profanity and off-color jokes, with comments reportedly made by Port Chester volunteer firefighters last year, when they were watching a rebroadcast of a February 2015 Town Board meeting.

VIDEOWatch News 12 Westchester LiveTRENDINGMost-Viewed News 12 Westchester Articles

"I hope we go there tonight and you guys better break every [expletive] window in the place," Quinn allegedly says on the tape.

Attorney Richard Corenthal says the fact that Chief Quinn shared the address and encouraged his men to vandalize the Port Chester home of a Harrison firefighter and union head is proof that volunteers should not be running the department.

Port Chester fired all of its eight full-time firefighters last month in a cost-cutting move. Corenthal is fighting to get them reinstated.

A March 2015 letter from Village Attorney Anthony Cerreto says he confronted Quinn with the accusations and that Quinn denied them.

The Firefighters Union attorney says Quinn should be fired immediately from his post as Port Chester fire chief.



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Well it just got a lot deeper, We in the dept new about this for a year now . Can someone put the new's 12 story for today about the so called dept head . and yes please be sitting when you here this story !

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yea, sorry the video didn't get put up. Maybe some can post it.


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50 minutes ago, beavis said:

And look what just popped up per News 12 Westchester



Fire chief accused of telling men to damage firefighter’s home

May 25, 2016 5:15 PM


News 12 has obtained audiotape that allegedly captures Port Chester Volunteer Fire Chief Edward Quinn encouraging his men to vandalize the home of a professional firefighter from Harrison. (5:41 PM)


PORT CHESTER - A Port Chester fire chief is accused of telling his men to damage another firefighter's home.

News 12 has obtained audiotape that allegedly captures Port Chester Volunteer Fire Chief Edward Quinn encouraging his men to vandalize the home of a professional firefighter from Harrison.

The audiotape is filled with laughter, profanity and off-color jokes, with comments reportedly made by Port Chester volunteer firefighters last year, when they were watching a rebroadcast of a February 2015 Town Board meeting.

VIDEOWatch News 12 Westchester LiveTRENDINGMost-Viewed News 12 Westchester Articles

"I hope we go there tonight and you guys better break every [expletive] window in the place," Quinn allegedly says on the tape.

Attorney Richard Corenthal says the fact that Chief Quinn shared the address and encouraged his men to vandalize the Port Chester home of a Harrison firefighter and union head is proof that volunteers should not be running the department.

Port Chester fired all of its eight full-time firefighters last month in a cost-cutting move. Corenthal is fighting to get them reinstated.

A March 2015 letter from Village Attorney Anthony Cerreto says he confronted Quinn with the accusations and that Quinn denied them.

The Firefighters Union attorney says Quinn should be fired immediately from his post as Port Chester fire chief.



Fired ? He should be run out of town, maybe back to North White Plains. No, wait a minute, they already threw him out. What a coward. 

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1 hour ago, PCFD ENG58 said:

Well it just got a lot deeper, We in the dept new about this for a year now . Can someone put the new's 12 story for today about the so called dept head . and yes please be sitting when you here this story !


What the [expletive] is going on in Port Chester?!  Every time I look at the news this story gets even quirkier!  I'm sure there has got to be a screenwriter out there kicking himself for not coming up with this disgusting filth for a movie! hahaha

fdalumnus, PCFD ENG58 and nfd2004 like this

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What is the story on this chief who got ran out of north white plains? What happened in north white plains? Fill us in 

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1 hour ago, dwcfireman said:


What the [expletive] is going on in Port Chester?!  Every time I look at the news this story gets even quirkier!  I'm sure there has got to be a screenwriter out there kicking himself for not coming up with this disgusting filth for a movie! hahaha


Mel Brooks ? Alfred Hitchcock and Rod Serling are no longer with us.

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9 hours ago, beavis said:

And look what just popped up per News 12 Westchester



Fire chief accused of telling men to damage firefighter’s home

May 25, 2016 5:15 PM


News 12 has obtained audiotape that allegedly captures Port Chester Volunteer Fire Chief Edward Quinn encouraging his men to vandalize the home of a professional firefighter from Harrison. (5:41 PM)


PORT CHESTER - A Port Chester fire chief is accused of telling his men to damage another firefighter's home.

News 12 has obtained audiotape that allegedly captures Port Chester Volunteer Fire Chief Edward Quinn encouraging his men to vandalize the home of a professional firefighter from Harrison.

The audiotape is filled with laughter, profanity and off-color jokes, with comments reportedly made by Port Chester volunteer firefighters last year, when they were watching a rebroadcast of a February 2015 Town Board meeting.

VIDEOWatch News 12 Westchester LiveTRENDINGMost-Viewed News 12 Westchester Articles

"I hope we go there tonight and you guys better break every [expletive] window in the place," Quinn allegedly says on the tape.

Attorney Richard Corenthal says the fact that Chief Quinn shared the address and encouraged his men to vandalize the Port Chester home of a Harrison firefighter and union head is proof that volunteers should not be running the department.

Port Chester fired all of its eight full-time firefighters last month in a cost-cutting move. Corenthal is fighting to get them reinstated.

A March 2015 letter from Village Attorney Anthony Cerreto says he confronted Quinn with the accusations and that Quinn denied them.

The Firefighters Union attorney says Quinn should be fired immediately from his post as Port Chester fire chief.



For the record there is nothing allegedly about it, it's 100% accurate.  That comment is only the tip of the ice burg!   You should here the rest of the comments he made, some down right voguer and disgusting about the career firefighters and anyone who was speaking on their behave.  The lack of actions to this point by the Village Board is embarrassing and disgraceful.  Maybe its time the Attorney General's Public Integrity Bureau needs to step in and start an investigation!

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Wow, surprise?? 


Funny how the truth starts to trickle to the surface?


So much for the "financial" crisis spin??


Good old anti-union animus alive and well.


I am sure that the News12 story is only one of many to come. Careful, who you elect in your annual popularity contests, your vote may come back to embarrass you and your entire Department. 


In this case, your vote will undoubtably cost your Village and Department enough money that the next gold laced fire truck or grossly oversized ladder truck that you were dreaming about ends up being built by Mattel.


Hint...when these clowns wash out of another volunteer fire department, there is usually a good reason for it. Don't become the "Florida" of your local volunteer system and accept all of the trash that funnels down hill. 


And for all of those that like to cry how the IAFF is running around with false claims of pamphlets on how to eliminate volunteers, Port Chester FD Volunteer Leadership has just provided an epic historical blunder that will resonate for decades the facts about who is trying to eliminate who.


Nothing like the truth to ruin a good fantasy.





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This story is AMAZING. Eight firefighters, just trying to do their jobs, became the loosing victims at the hands of these chiefs. Apparently this has been brewing for awhile based on what is posted here.


The fact that other volunteer members as well, went along with this gives those volunteer members a black eye too.  As many know, "The Fire Service is following this story". Port Chester, NY is again (as in June, 1974) the focus of attention for the fire service. 


What would motivate individuals to hurt the same people they all depend on ? What will the citizens of Port Chester think of those chiefs and the members involved now ? The same individuals who were supposed to save lives and property, NOT damage it more.


 This leads me to ask, what are the qualifications to become a chief ? What happens if they violate the rules they are supposed to enforce ?


 In this case being that there is now an attorney representing those eight Port Chester Firefighters, if all is correct as posted, I'm sure there WILL be some legal action taken against those chiefs.


 As a Chief of a Department, it is expected that you do the right thing. You take a stand on what is right, even if its not the most popular thing to do. That's your job, putting the citizens and firefighters - FIRST.


 To encourage other firefighters to destroy anyones house, regardless of who it is, is way beyond me. For a group of fire chiefs to "RECOMMEND" the removal of eight career firefighters goes directly against anything taught in the fire service.


  Fire Chiefs should be looked at by other members of the department as Role Models. Citizens consider them the leaders of a group of dedicated individuals who are willing to even die for them if need be.


 These THREE Fire Chiefs, along with the volunteer firefighters who supported them, are not only a disgrace to the Port Chester Fire Dept, but to the ENTIRE FIRE SERVICE as well. Not only that, but I am sure when this is finally settled and over, it will end up costing (Not Saving) the taxpayers of Port Chester for the actions of these three fire chiefs.


  There is a Lesson to be Learned here. This story will go down in the history books of the fire service. If you are a volunteer fire chief who just happens to have a grudge against career firefighters, it is well worth your while to give that some serious second thoughts. You will do much better leading by good example and bringing out the best in both career and volunteer firefighters working together. Not only for the citizens you are to protect, but also for those who work together during some of the toughest, most dangerous working conditions any human beings face in a lifetime.  


 The sooner those laid off firefighters get their jobs back, the better it will be.

firefighter36, PeterK and fdalumnus like this

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I did do a search of Port Chester Firefighters and was able to come up with the News Channel 12 story on Chief Quinn as reported here.


Try this and it might work.....


Or I goggle searched; "Channel 12 News Port Chester fire Chief Quinn"

Edited by nfd2004

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With the "enlightening" events this week pertaining to the Port Chester Fire Chief, let us all remember a few things when voting in a volunteer chief of department:

1) If he uses some sort of political campaign (funded or non) to become chief, you shouldn't vote for him.

2) If he tells you he's qualified for the position, you shouldn't vote for him.

3) If he constantly comes up with excuses for his mistakes or blames others, you shouldn't vote for him.

4) If you didn't like him as an assistant chief, you shouldn't vote for him.

5) If he did a terrible job as the assistant chief, you shouldn't vote for him.


I could keep going on with this list, but the gist of it is that volunteers need to pay attention to rising officers and determine if they have an actual love for and willingness to do the job, have the background, training, and experience to move upward, and the leadership abilities to conduct oneself and represent the department.  You have to separate those officers that belong in the ranks from those who act as politicians to climb the [proverbial] ladder.  Personally, I want the guy that is willing to deal with the headaches, the blows from the trustees/commissioners/etc., be able to deal with complex situations (both within the firehouse and on the fireground), and, more importantly, isn't going to put anyone, firefighter or civilian, in an unnecessary line of danger.  Unfortunately, Port Chester is left with the guy that is at the other end of the spectrum, and now he's dealing with some MAJOR repercussions.

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54 minutes ago, PCFD ENG58 said:

See I think better then Stamford , more coming !


Yes PCFD ENG58, you predicted that way back on page 4 of this thread. 


The Stamford discussion had to be one of the most viewed topics on this site. 


As of this date, almost 21,000 views. Certainly a very popular subject discussion here as well. Too bad it couldn't be on a more positive subject. 





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My understanding that the next meeting is to be held on June 6th and a vote will take place on the PC8 ?  

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2 hours ago, rob zombie said:

My understanding that the next meeting is to be held on June 6th and a vote will take place on the PC8 ?  



  Thank you for that information. My guess is that there will be standing room only with a huge number in attendance.


  Will those three chiefs RECONSIDER their decision to eliminate those eight career Port Chester Firefighters to bring them back ? Or will they stand by their original decision of letting them go to seek employment elsewhere ? In either case, this will give them the chance to explain to all why this action was taken.


  As volunteer members of these departments you will be allowed to make your decision as well. Will you support those chiefs for eliminating those firefighters ? Or will you stand by your Brother Firefighters in their support ?


  This will also be the PERFECT TIME to wear those Fire Dept T-shirts, proudly displaying your affiliation. Don't let people have to guess where you are from or exactly where you stand. This is the time when those Fire Dept T-shirts will really count the most.


  Let those chiefs explain to everyone, the reason they decided to take those eight career firefighters away. Let them explain to everyone why they readily endorsed this action, rather than speak loudly AGAINST it. Let them explain how the elimination of those eight career firefighters would NOT have a direct impact on the citizens they serve, as well as the many dedicated volunteer firefighters under their command.


 Should those chiefs reconsider and hire those career firefighters back, then they should be back as soon as possible. The longer this goes on, the worse it could get. If that's the case, then the City of Port Chester must also realize that these chiefs made an Unwise decision and it could be very likely that some type of legal action will be taken on behalf of those eight firefighters.


 So as I expect, on June 6th, many will be watching.

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I do not believe, that the pc chiefs are still in office after the breaking news 12 report about the chiefs comments.Are the village board members that corrupt not to grow a set and do the right thing.You have a individual who is sworn in to protect life and property, and he makes comments to other members to break a residents Windows. Something stinks. It also makes me think that the members of this dept. Don't rise up and demand that they be removed and back the professional firefighters to get their jobs back. Come on guys open your eyes your leaders are giving your dept. a black eye, not only in your village, in Westchester, but across ny and the country.

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On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 9:22 PM, PCFD ENG58 said:

See I think better then Stamford , more coming !



The Truth is, "lets actually hope not. The Stamford thread discussed went on for years. It was called "Update to Stamford Merger" and consisted of a total of 69 pages and 2,063 post on this thread. The Fire department of Connecticut's Fourth largest city was being destroyed from the inside out. Not too many other threads on here got more attention than this one.


For those who remember it, they probably haven't forgotten it.


For those who never saw it, this ones for you.


http:/   (SORRY I couldn't get this link to work)

Edited by nfd2004

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This afternoon ,members of the Port Chester Firefighters Local paid a visit to village hall. Along with the members were signatures of approximately 4000  citizens. This forces the village of PC to have a referendum to bring back the union firefighters. Only 3000 were needed, went beyond and got 4000. Their brothers and sisters from locals across the tristate hit the pavement and helped reach their goal. All I could say is job well done..

FireMedic049, BFD1054, x152 and 3 others like this

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I believe there was a meeting scheduled last night (6/6/16) on the fate of those Eight Laid Off Port Chester Firefighters. Was there any decision made on that ?

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On 6/1/2016 at 7:34 PM, frost025 said:

This afternoon ,members of the Port Chester Firefighters Local paid a visit to village hall. Along with the members were signatures of approximately 4000  citizens. This forces the village of PC to have a referendum to bring back the union firefighters. Only 3000 were needed, went beyond and got 4000. Their brothers and sisters from locals across the tristate hit the pavement and helped reach their goal. All I could say is job well done..


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10 hours ago, nfd2004 said:

I believe there was a meeting scheduled last night (6/6/16) on the fate of those Eight Laid Off Port Chester Firefighters. Was there any decision made on that ?

It was tabled for two weeks. With agreement from the union. Time needed to resolve a number of financial and legal issues. 


The IAFF gave $1,000 to each of the 8 members to help them over the next 2 weeks.

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13 hours ago, Bnechis said:

It was tabled for two weeks. With agreement from the union. Time needed to resolve a number of financial and legal issues. 


The IAFF gave $1,000 to each of the 8 members to help them over the next 2 weeks.


Thank you very much "Bnechis" for that information. I certainly appreciate that.


Thank you also to the IAFF for their donations to each of these firefighters. I am very happy to see that the Brotherhood is still alive and well.


As many here do, I also hope for a positive resolution to end this nightmare that these guys have been put through, as well as bring those firefighters back for the safety of all involved. 

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