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Posts posted by PEMO3

  1. Spin_the_wheel I agree that you can pay someone to manage and update your site but the issue is that most people stop there. They then fail to feed the site manager the info needed to keep the site current. Many people think that the info on these sites come out of thin air. Unless you are willing to give you web developer free license to ad content at will without any consequences most are not just going to post any content they see fit. Any nobody in their right mind is going to give someone that sort of license with their name attached. The real issue is people need to understand that when you decide to create a web presence you make a commitment that you will update daily, weekly, monthly, quaterly, bi-annually, yearly whatever but it is your commitment not the web developers.

    spin_the_wheel, x635 and 38ff like this

  2. The simple answer is yes and no. While scanners only pick up one half of a duplex split they would be able to receive a narrow banded channel. Example: Westchester's Fireground freqs are narrow banded and both older and newer version scanners have been able pick them up with no issue for years. The problem comes into play as frequencies start to be issued issued in the "new" 12.5 split and an older scanner may not be pre-programmed to recognize the frequency entered and auto correct it. EG the old 25 split was 155.3100, 155.3250 and with the new 12.5 the split would become 155.3100, 155.3175, 155.3225, 155.3250. On an older non capable scanner entering 155.3175 would see the scanner either auto correct to 155.310 or give you an error message, more than like the first option. I hope this helps.

    x635 and firedude like this

  3. So let me get this straight, since my hard earned tax dollars went into this project. The entire construction project was budgeted to cost "X" dollars to complete by "Y" date. The project was completed at "Y-37 days," and the contractor gets to keep the remainder for doing the job right?

    If I read it correctly he keeps the full bid amount plus the savings of Y-37 days labor and costs not spent plus the $33K a day for being blessed with good weather and getting a job done.

    I personally disagree. I do feel it's fair that if your going to include a per diem penalty for running long, it's only fair to include a per diem bonus for getting it done early.

    Well we agree to disagree. I see him getting 2 bonuses: #1 the $33K a day & #2 the savings of not spending labor and other costs for the extra days. What incentive is there to not artificially inflate the time projection of a job to build in the buffer of getting a "job done early" bonus.

    I just hope that the job was done right and the contractor wasn't rushing to finish early to collect the prize...

    Exactly my point!!!

  4. First of all a highly intox can also be subject to a medical emergency such as alcohol poisoning and this along with your concern of mech of injury should be relayed to the ranking PO. You should remind them that it is CYA for both you and them to properly eval the patient and most of all DO NOT make it a turf war. Nobody wins when you flex your muscles. Going just on the facts present make certain you document everything including names and shields, request a PD supervisor to the scene, request the ranking PO refusing access sign the PCR of refusal to allow treatment of a prisoner, at no point push the issue as to put yourself in the position of risking arrest for obstruction. Remember that after this patient you still have to work together. Just document the heck out of the PCR and CYA so nothing come back to haunt you later.

    BFD1054 likes this

  5. I will take paying the incentive compared to paying millions in cost over runs.

    While this is true why not just have a contract that states complete by X or the contractor pays the penalty at $33k a day. That is an incentive to get it done on time also. Lets face it they got paid for the job, did it in less time, they saved already. Imagine if we got incentives for getting to calls faster than a specific time frame the public would be up in arms.
    fireboyny likes this

  6. I just saw this story on the local news. Nathan Norman, a 5 year old with terminal cancer, has a wish to celebrate Christmas early. Below is the link to one of the news stories. If each of us just mailed one card we could help make this little boy's wish come true. After all isn't that what we are all about at our core anyway - helping people. Lets spread the word and make that wish come true.

    Send Christmas cards to:

    Nathan Norman

    81 Dunivan Drive

    Rustburg, VA 24588

  7. While the sad part of this story is one life has been ended, one life destroyed and countless others changed forever a positive can still come of this tragedy. We should strive to make this story a teachable moment. Impress on those who feel that those lights create a force-field that by having an accident enroute they not only never make it to the original call but strip that call of resources while someone has to rescue them and their innocent victims.

    jack10562 likes this

  8. Capt you summed it up better than most of us could. Really great post. Obviously from the heart. Unfotunately to too many people 9/11 has become like a mini-series that has been canceled. More effort is placed on remembering the anniversary of Michael Jackson, John Lenon or other celebrities than the over 3500 human lives lost that day and close to 400 combined FDNY, NYPD, PAPD and EMS personnel who perished not to mention the countless others that continue to pay the ultimate price for their actions of that day. September 11 should be made a National Day of Mourning so what happened in NY, Washington DC and PA will never be forgotten. But time to get off my soap box.


  9. 2. If it had to happen, could a fireboat(s) pump INTO hydrants near the river and charge the mains that way? Do you need health dept approval for that, and if you do it, when all is fixed, how do you de-Hudson an entire city's water system? I figure a boat puts out an ungodly amount of pressure, but if you are pumping up a hill (like up to St Joes from the water front- think Vark St) you will keep bursting your hoses near the river as the boats put out the high pressure needed to get the water up a big hill.

    Best solution: LDH with inline pumping - a lost art.

    Patch6713 and JetPhoto like this

  10. Gotcha, I'm more curious as to what services were requested or offered. Were they looking to relay pump from Bronx hydrants? Did they want the satellite? They had a serious logistical issue and I'm wondering how they were thinking about solving it.

    They were pumping from the NYC hydrant system in to the Yonkers hydrant system at 261 & Riverdale Ave (outside of the College of Mt St Vincent.)


    FF398, BFD1054, 210 and 3 others like this

  11. Christopher, I have followed your journey with awe and amazement at the strength and courage that you possess. Never give up on your dreams for it is through dreams that reality is built. Young man, my prayers are with you and your family and I am certain that with your dedication and fortitude you will accomplish those dreams. God bless you.

    Louie, JM15, FFEMT150 and 1 other like this