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"Chicago Fire" (TV Show)

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I hope it isn't anything like 'Rescue Me'. Essentially I felt that 'Rescue Me' was an embarassment to the fire service. It portrayed the main characters as completely disfunctional, sub par human beings except for those times when they answered an alarm. Otherwise in or away from the station, they were a--holes.

Not a single character I would want a young member to emulate.

If it is like any other new show that has been airing lately I dont see it going anywhere...bring back the Honeymooners... ;)

calhobs, BFD1054 and tglass59 like this

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I have a feeling this show is going to be quite cheezy! Only good firefighter production is/was Ladder 49...

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You obviously did not watch lol

No, I did but I'm not a ff or emt or anything so I don't have as good of an idea as many of the people on this forum.

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No, I did but I'm not a ff or emt or anything so I don't have as good of an idea as many of the people on this forum.

I know, I'm just messing around.

I felt that the show just had no attention to detail. When a show is geared towards a group of people (first responders) and it portrays first responders, you need to show at least a little attention to detail. I don't think next week will be much different.

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If it is like any other new show that has been airing lately I dont see it going anywhere...bring back the Honeymooners... ;)

I have a feeling this show is going to be quite cheezy! Only good firefighter production is/was Ladder 49...

Ladder 49 in my opinion was a good movie. And Yes, I agree, bring back the Honeymooners, and maybe Andy Griffith of Mayberry. And for a special treat Abbott & Costello.

I don't need 150 or so cable channels either for a nice monthly fee.

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Good, it wasn't just me who thought it sucked. Really a beard , no BA on the roof. And of course, a FS wouldnt be a FS without two FF's fighting. Love the fact that the building fire was knocked down but.. the auto fire was still burning.

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Aside from the obvious creative license that they took (ie: the whole let's pull the girl out of the car without a collar and board, then stick a needle in her heart), I found the whole show to be full of bad acting, trite writing, and rather disrespectful to the fire service on the whole. Two alpha male characters who have a beef with each other? Been there, done that. And come on, do we really need another show that depicts fire fighters with addiction? As if "Rescue Me" wasn't enough, we have yet another main character who gives us all a bad rap through his "little secret" in the bathroom, in addition to the inside supplier. While it is fiction, it stands to reason that if the viewing public continually sees dramatized emergency services characters as a bunch of yahoos who drink to excess and shoot up in the bathroom, that viewpoint will surely carry over to us - the real guys.

In short, I watched it once, and won't watch it again. Dick Wolf should stick to making cop shows.

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Presumably, I hope, we would find in future episodes that the Rescue Captain shooting up has a physical condition he is trying to mask in order to stay on the job and be the enormous hero he thinks he is.

While I have only been a volunteer for 35 years in 4 different fire and 3 different EMS departments, I have never encountered this intense alpha male conflict at all. Is this something common in paid stations? The closest I can come to it is the 'friendly' fire of having a large number of brothers and nephews in the same company. I kept waiting for the fisticuffs to break out at any moment last night.

And, Ladder Captain, ditch the Resident fiance for the much hotter Paramedic and shut off the paternal clock.

I guess the real problem is that we want to see a show about the JOB, and not get involved with the characters imagined personal lives.

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i think they should bring back third far was the best show on tv and did a good job showing what the fdny and nypd do.

ems-buff and x129K like this

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If the show were technically acurate, no one would watch. Who wants to watch firefighters going on EMS calls, or going to endless automatic alarms, or shopping for a meal?

I liked it. I'm going to give it some time before shutting it down. The pilot to any show is always weird.

I also thought it was cool that the actual mayor of Chicago made an appearance. Also, did anyone else notice how the SCBA masks were modified so we could see their faces?

I already have a photo (in reality, it's Chicago FD Station 18, the newest station in the city. ):


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Gotta agree it wasn't any worse then the crap on tv now maybe it will only get better

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i think they should bring back third far was the best show on tv and did a good job showing what the fdny and nypd do.

I will never forget, November 12, 2002, while watching 3rd Watch, my wife went into labor with out firstborn.

THAT was a great show!

EMS92, ems-buff and BFD1054 like this

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I will never forget, November 12, 2002, while watching 3rd Watch, my wife went into labor with out firstborn.

THAT was a great show!

You wait and watch the rest of the episode? :P

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Ranking of Best Fire/EMS Television Shows (my opinion, of course):

1) Emergency - Late 1960's/Early 1970's

2) Rescue 8 - Late 1950's/Early 1960's

3) Third Watch - 1990's/2000"

4) Rescue Me - 2000's

sueg and EMS92 like this

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Ranking of Best Fire/EMS Television Shows (my opinion, of course):

1) Emergency - Late 1960's/Early 1970's

2) Rescue 8 - Late 1950's/Early 1960's

3) Third Watch - 1990's/2000"

4) Rescue Me - 2000's

1, 3, 4

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Ranking of Best Fire/EMS Television Shows (my opinion, of course):

1) Emergency - Late 1960's/Early 1970's

2) Rescue 8 - Late 1950's/Early 1960's

3) Third Watch - 1990's/2000"

4) Rescue Me - 2000's

1, 3, 4 and what about 240 Robert

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Check out this youtube clip from the 1961 Episode of "RESCUE 8" (It was much better than some of the "dramas" of today)

Edited by 61MACKBR1
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have to agree, the pilot sucked, don't know if i can stand to watch another episode!

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Ranking of Best Fire/EMS Television Shows (my opinion, of course):

1) Emergency - Late 1960's/Early 1970's

2) Rescue 8 - Late 1950's/Early 1960's

3) Third Watch - 1990's/2000"

4) Rescue Me - 2000's

Got to agree, except I didn't think Rescue Me did a rightful service to the Fire Dept.

Rescue 8, for those who don't know, was a great show. It was in B/W and the first TV Show on the FD. It was based on the LA County Fire Dept. Emergency was another Fire Dept TV Show that did a Great job for the fire service. It was that show that actually got many fire depts responding to medical calls.

I hear people talking about how bad Backdraft was and Ladder 49, but I think they were very good. Of course it was Hollywood, but they did put the spotlight on both the Chicago and Baltimoe Fire Depts in a favorable way. In fact, I once heard that after the first showing of Backdraft in the movies, for one theather in Chicago, as the people were exiting, Chicago Fd was going by on a run. The people cheered them as they went by.

The TV series Code Red was one of the worst. In fact as I remember the LA City Fire Dept took a stand AGAINST the show.

Anybody remember the TV series "The Bravest". That was a great show on the FD.

Best PD shows.... "Cops" and Adam 12.

firedude and EMS92 like this

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watched most of the show yes i was flipping around but found one thing interesting--the Officer letting the firefighter on duty with at least a two days growth on his face. we all know it might look cool and sexy but violates most fire department rules as well as OSHA and CFR 1910.156 or one of those that state no more then one days growth--just my thoughs. one more thing I dont think ANY paramedic is risking their job to give some one a drug no matter how sexy they are.. more random thoughts

Like Seth i will watch it again just to see what happens.

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Give me Rescue 8 or Emergency any day over this Hollywood piece of garbage

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